Chapter 19

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Rebecca's Perspective

I couldn't shake that something felt wrong about Tiffany's pregnancy past petty jealousy or my selfish primal claims for my mate. I have been proud of myself for all the work I invested in building my self awareness and self control to be a better therapist.

I knew what I had to do to protect Jesse, but I didn't know if I had the strength to do it. Tiffany and Jesse had both gone through brainwashing, and there was a chance both of their memories were manipulated. More blantantly, Tiffany could just be a liar. I don't know her.

I had to see what actually happened, but the process was probably going to break my heart.

I researched and found the SD card adaptor I would need to watch the videos on a computer. I ordered one. It would come in two days.

I called the every bar around Seattle asking about Tiffany Williams, but no one has heard of her. I looked it up and the legal age to bartend in Seattle was 21, not 19, but in Canada 19 was perfectly legal. I started calling bars over the boarder for hours until I found a bar in Vancouver that knew her. I said we found her abused and traumatized and needed to contact her family. They gave me the emergency contact information on file for her mother.

I called and her mother said what I said was impossible. Tiffany Williams was in her home at that very moment and she texted me a picture to prove it. Sure enough, there sat a girl who looked exactly like the girl we had sitting in our hospital.

I went to the hospital wing and asked to talk to Dr. Philips.

It took twenty minutes but we met in his office.

"What can I do for you Luna?" he greeted me happily.

"I need to talk to you about a possible foothold situation." I stated quietly.

"Sorry Luna you are going to use less military jargon. I am lost." He stated embarrassed.

"I have reason to believe one, if not all, of the women rescued from the warehouse may be another species of humanoid. Most likely shifters posing as werewolves." I stated plainly.

"Can I ask for your evidence?" He asked skeptically.

"I just got off the phone with Tiffany Wilson's mother. She sent me a picture of her daughter alive and unharmed sitting on the couch of their home, the spitting image of the girl laying in that hospital bed on your wing." I paused and the doctor's eyes widened.

"What happens if a werewolf Alpha procreates with a shifter? This is their second attempt, and apparently they were successful this time. What are they trying to achieve?" I asked. "Why is this child important?"

"Shifters can shift into other animals, but they do not have all the benefits of fusing spirits with a wolf. They are humans that can shift into different shapes but without the strength, size, and power. Theoretically, an Alpha would produce the best offspring for the experiment." He theorized.

"Why Jesse? Alpha Alex could do it without all the fuss." I asked exasperated.

"True, but your unity with Jesse makes you powerful together. Two people in unity are more powerful than a single person. I see how you unite the people around you. You called it a gift and it is. Jesse protects you freeing your hands to use your gift. If Alpha Alex can break your bonds, he can break your pack." The doctor thoughtfully guessed.

"I think you are right." I agreed.

"You can detect shifters with bright lights to the eyes correct?" The doctor asked.

"Yes." I stated. "The light makes a purple reflection when it hits their eyes.

"I will assemble a squad of low level med techs who won't react if they see purple eyes. They won't even notice it. I will observe them doing the traditional check in procedures which requires checking of the dilation of pupils as a yearly skill check, and run through all the women in the unit and compile a list of those with purple eyes." He explained.

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