2. sᴘɪᴅᴇʀᴋɪᴅ + ɴᴇᴡ ᴠɪʟʟɪᴀɴs

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You stand is silence, there no way he's talking to you. There are like a million small heroes, why did he notice you?

"Not going to say anything? That's fine I like to talk. You're so far away from me, we are having a conversation aren't we? Step closer. "

You follow his command, not by want but instead by well, magic? Force? Orpheus was a siren after all.

"Uh- I uh- i-" you weren't prepared for this. Where were the major heros?

"Awh it's okay Spidey! You didn't expect me did you? It was a trap, I won't lie. I've heard about you. The famous 'SpiderKid'!" He steps closer and inspects your suit. "Cute suit kid. Quite adorable!"

You shake your head and gain back your bearings. "What do you want from me? If y'know you set up this trap."

"I can't just meet my new favorite super hero hm? "

"We both know the answer. Which is no. Listen man, do you need the money you just tried to rob or can I leave?" You roll your eyes. Fear turned to annoyance.

"Awh c'mon be nice! We'll be seeing a lot more of each other!~"

"I don't know what you mean by that but I've got places to be. Leave the money." You back away and swing off. "Weirdo."

"I'll Remember that." He gruffs, clearly annoyed.

You quickly find your bag, change and head home. You can't stop thinking about what just happened, but you must shake it off. Your aunt can't know about any of this. She'll blame you for bens death, she doesn't like SpiderKid to much. You already blame yourself.

You sigh as you open the door and see your aunt may cleaning.

"What took you so long?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Detention..?" You say as you slide your backpack onto the floor.

"Mm. Okay. Just try to get home earlier. The leftovers are in the fridge, if you're hungry" she tells you as she walks off to her room.

In the blink of an eye it's the next morning. All the energy you had from the past days were gone. Luckily it was Saturday which meant no school.

But this particular Saturday wasn't your favorite. It's now the sixth month anniversary of Ben's death. You wish you could ignore it but they're holding a sort of service today.

You stumble over to the fridge to see it's empty. Great now you have to go to the store. Luckily aunt may knew this and left you money and a grocery list. You lazily get changed and head out.

While at the grocery store you are picking up the item you need when you run into one of your teachers, Mr. Halo.

"Why hello [name]! What a surprise to run into you here!" He gave a warm smile. Mr.Halo's class has always been one of your favorites.

"Yep! Food ran out and my aunt told me to get more. It was nice to see you Mr.Halo!" You smile while picking up the juice.

"Mm been there! See you in class Monday [name]!" He walks off, over to a man who rolls his eyes and looks back and forth between the two of you. He whispers something to your teacher but you don't hear. It must be Mr.Halo's husband, skeppy was it? You don't care all that much. You shrug it off and keep on shopping.

You accidently trip over one of your shoes and bump into a man. He wasn't to tall, but he was taller than you. He had a shaved head and...3d glasses?

"Shoot. Sorry bout that man-" You dust yourself off.

"Uh- n- no problem?" He turns back around towards his friend, she has short pink hair.

You nod and continue. Gosh why so many social interaction's? You surely we're to tired for this. But of course more had to happen. You were about to check out, when your newish friend Tommy waved at you and walked over.

"Yo [Name]! Great to see you dude!" He beamed.

You internally sighed, just ready to leave.

"Hello again tommy-" you barely mutter out before he pulls you into a hug.

"Yeah it's great to see you again! How have you been? Are you here with anyone??" He quickly spills out and then begins looking around for a guardian of yours.

"Nah I'm just here by myself- my aunt gave me a list." You hold up the list.

You quickly spot three others looking at Tommy impatiently. One older blonde man, a tall brunette and a man with pinkish hair.

"Tommy are you here with anyone-?" You wonder who those people are so you've gotta ask.

"Yeah! C'mon meet my family!" He quickly starts to drag you towards them.

"No! Nope! I'm fine! I gotta get the food home." You pull from Tommy's grip, even though you are closer to the family now. "See ya...weirdo." you mumble as you go check out. Little did you see the tall brunettes facial expression change to one of shock. Had he memorized the sound of a voice? Yes.

You finally make it home but some others are having conversations about you.

Tommy questioned why his older brother was going out so soon.

"Wilbur? Seriously. You just went out yesterday- I thought you didn't like making public appearances." Tommy questioned and he watched his older brother prepare to go out again.

"No. It isn't public. Just to one person.." he smiles.

"Okay-? Who?" Tommy reach's out to mess with Wilbur's objects but he smacks Tommy's hand away.

"You know our favorite little SpiderKid! We've been watching them for months, and well I talked to them for the first time yesterday and I already know their identity! Took them to long to evade our research."

Tommy paled at his older brother. Sure he cared about you but would you hate him if Wilbur went on with his true plans.? He didn't want that. Not at all.

"Tommy you said that [name] was your friend right? When were you going to tell me you knew them? " Wilbur snarled.

"I- I just found out! I was trying to get closer- for us! For the family!" Tommy didn't like it when Wilbur would get angry.

"How did you find out. I know you don't know shit. How could you find out?" Wilbur straighten his jacket.

"...tubbo and ranboo told me."

"Your little hooligan friends? Guess they were good for something." Wilbur sighed.

"You can't kill them..! They're to young!" Tommy pleaded.

"Kill? No no. I'm going to interact with them more. Learn about this kid. I haven't been stalking them for months just to kill them. I could've done that ages ago, with little to no research. Just like I did to the pro's. "

Tommy stood silent. He didn't know how to feel, or how you would feel. To suddenly be dealing with more major villains Because the old heros were dead.

"There has to be a reason the eggpire wants them after all."

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