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Hello Spidey readers. It's been a little while since my last chapter/update, and I want to explain everything.

This book is being discontinued. And I don't have any plans of coming back to it.

I have loved writing this book so much! Especially because of all your comments! They made me laugh and smile so so so SO much. And for that I'll always be greatful.

But I've been not interested in dsmp for years and I wrote this book on a whim when I got back into it for a few months. The comments were the only thing keeping me writing tbh, but especially with everything that's happened recently, I don't think I can continue writing.

The people I was going to write about, and have written about, are terrible people. Exp Wilbur soot, dream, George, punz and probably more I don't even know about.

It's needless to say, I support the victims. Shelby, Alice, cati, all of them.

This I think was the last push, and now I'm ending this book. I'm sorry to all the diehard Spidey fans.

Now I've heard of something called "orphaning" a fic? I don't know much, if anything about it, but if anyone wants, they can write a sort of story on the rest of Spidey. Take it as canon or not, I don't care as long as I get credit for my book/my ideas.

And when I posted about this, many Spidey fans said they wanted to know how the story ended, so here was my plan.

Just a heads up it's freaky and has time travel n shit in it. You probably won't like it but it was hinted at and I woulda slowly lead up to it.

Before [Name] became Spider-Man I was hinted at a story with [Name]'s mother dying and then moving in with their aunt and uncle. Ben is their mother's brother, and that's why he has the same last name as [Name] and let's call her M/n. M/n kept her last name, and gave it to [Name].

Now let's call [Name]'s father... D/n. He's still alive, and was going to be used later in the story as a sort of plot for one of the villains, I hadn't yet decided. He was going to show up, be shitty to aunt may to show that he's a douche and then he'd meet up with [Name] somehow, and not at all be a help to the situation. He'd later be killed off.

From small bits I've written in the story, it's made canon that siren (Wilburs character) had killed off several high up villains, leaving the news in scrambles and the city almost defenseless. It was a way from him to have more control over [Name] and make the situation more dire.

Ben got fired because of dream around 6 months before [Name] became spiderkid. That being because, as you later would have found out, dream knows the future. He was actively trying to save it by harming the family, and [Name]'s emotional stability so they wouldn't want to become a hero.

It was also for selfish reasons. I mean he is a yandere. He then got himself thrown in jail for thousands of crimes before breaking out. While he was stalking [Name] his personal antagonist Tommy, followed him and they got into and argument, causing the two to be the reason [Name] got bit.

This story is somewhat like spider verse in its own odd way. [Name] was supposed to get bit, they are a parker, and dream was supposed to stalk them but because of his ties with Ben.

Also dream gets Ben fired because he has ties with eret, a high up government official who he has blackmailed for many many things. That wasn't supposed to happen.

And it's the reason eret would have later become a yandere.

So when [Name] still became a hero, he (dream) had gotten angry. Especially because he found out Karl had gotten him in trouble with Sam and gotten him thrown in prison, because Karl thought the best plan would be to kill [Name].

Why? Well Karl knew the future. He worked for the God, dream XD, who allowed him to time travel, loosely based of dsmp lore. And the God dream XD had an odd obsession with the doomed teen. Karl didn't know that yet though, but he did know [Name] would cause an eventual war that would kill millions and destroy the city.

Not their fault but still.

Karl and dream fought and dream cut ties with him. Dreams mission no longer was about saving the world, instead only getting [Name]. Which wasn't supposed to happen.

To clarify, the world wasn't to supposed to end. In og canon [Name] was meant to defeat dream and continue as spiderman. Uncle Ben would have been killed by dream as some villain thing, which is why [Name] had beef with him.

But instead Karl tried to kill [Name], and dream XD changed to events as to kill uncle ben instead of his favorite subject.

That's where to major timeline fucked up. Because of Karl. He wasn't meant to be a time traveler but uh.. the egg coming back had dream XD stressed so he picked someone with the abilities. Karl was the wrong choice tho. Yikes.

Karl accidentally caused something small to happen, spiraling dream, causing him to be a yandere. Then Karl jumped back in time to see the whole masquerade. He tied the end of the world to [Name] because somehow they were back then. (Because dream XD had recreated them throughout time.)

The whole egg thing was.. something alright. Karl had to escape the crazy people at the party so he made a plan. He'd leave a recording to help [Name] escape the eggpire in the future and meet up with him to kill them and "fix" the world.

It wouldn't work. He'd help them escape and then boom yandere, but WEWWHAT. schlatt would have seen it (camera man OMG) and by proxy, dream and tubbo.

Also right before the Karl swoop in [Name] would have met the egg and some freaky shit woulda gone down. (The og universe egg wasn't canon obsessed but again, dream XD's fault smh.)

Tubbo would panic but it wouldn't matter because dream would hatch up a plan.

[Name] would meet sapnap through Karl adding another yandere to the table, yikes.

They'd ruin off and team with Niki eret and Jack but have to leave because dream would hold their aunt HOSTAGE till they arrived. They'd run off with much protest from the three and uh.. yeah.

Dream would kidnap them, (he'd probably also kill schlatt who like kinda his dad in this?? Cause him n tubbo are siblings and schlatts tubbos dad?? So maybe step dad ig)

Tubbo would tell ranboo and Tommy, who'd tell the sbi and yapyapyap everyone would know and they'd all fight for [Name] at dreams evil tower.

Following the new canon.

I had two presise endings planned ,

one they'd have to abandon this universe in hope to find a new one that would be able to help them save the old one(their aunt) that'd be a new yandere book

Two the world would end and I'd either say they all died like in a nuke, or write different ending for each character and have smth cool like that.

Also between the Karl kidnapping n the dream hostage there woulda been more stuff with the already introduced groups

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