12. ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ᴠs ᴍᴇɢᴀ ᴍᴀɴsɪᴏɴ 2

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"sir I'm sorry we don't know where they are- they- they've been off the map for days! No one's seen or heard of SpiderKid in- in well days!!"

"God. Do you think I care? I don't fucking pay you for you to do NOTHING. I took you in after your 'issues' with the sbi, so you better do what I FUCKING TELL YOU!! Do you understand fundy?"

"Yes sir!!" He solutes and runs out of the office.

You sigh annoyed as you wait, and wait and wait on ranboo and tubbo. They were supposed to be here by now so you could go to ranboo's house. Oddly enough you've never been. You doubt they even have parents.

Finally you hear shuffling noises being made up the steps but when you peak out the door it just... Isn't tubbo. You panic and shut the door hoping he didn't see you.

Footsteps shuffle closer and you here a knock on the door.

"Hello? Who the fuck is in my house-" the man starts off until slow clopping is heard.

"Clay fuck off. The kids chill. And this is my house. Get to your room punk." Schlatt slurs.

"Fine... Stupid.. fuckers.." The young adult man mumbles while walking away from the door.

Schlatt is then heard walking away. You release your deep breath and wait on ranboo and tubbo.

You flop back onto the bed and sigh, stareing up at the ceiling bored. What was taking them so long? School should have ended an hour and-

Tubbo opens the door with Ranboo close behind him.

"Guys!!" You smile and walk over to them giving them both a tight hug.

Tubbo smiled and pat your head while ranboo had the most massive grin on their face.

"You ready to go to ranboo's?" Tubbo grinned as you let go of the hug.

"Uhhh yeah!" You grabbed the small bag that had your original set of clothes, not the pajamas you were currently wearing.

"Good! C'mon!!" Ranboo grabbed your hand and dragged you downstairs and to his car.

"SHOTGUN!!" You quickly called out and tubbo groaned.

"Oh c'mon [n/n]!! Let me sit there PLEASEEEEE" Tubbo begged.

"Nope. Backseat it is for you." You smile as he hops in the backseat, ranboo taking his place in the driver seat.

After a while of driving you realize the location is quite far away. Like middle of no where far away.

"Damn ranboo where do you live?" You question as you look up and over at them. They make you feel small due to their tall height.

They chuckle but don't answer. You raise an eyebrow and look out the window. Ranboo makes a sudden turn down a hidden trail and follows it for awhile. Eventually it leads to a long drive and a... MANSION??

"WHA- RANBOO YOUR RICH?? SINCE WHEN- WHA- HOW??" You look at the mansion in shock and the moment he parks you jump at the car and stare up at the 18 story building.

They scratch their neck nervously and follow you out the car.

"[N/n] let me show you where your room is!!" Tubbo beams, grabbing your hand and dragging you into the mega mansion.

"You've been here before..?" You mumble as tubbo drags you through the house. You've lost count of where your at in the house.

Tubbo drags you to a huge room and smiles widely as you look at the room decor. Once ranboo walks through the door a small click can be heard.

"Whoa this room is so cool- it- it has all my favorite things!!" You smile brightly. "It has all my favorite things..?" You turn towards tubbo and ranboo. They have an unreadable look on their faces.

"Whats- what's going on..?" Your voice feels broken. They didn't know you were kidnapped until last night. How did they already have a 'room' for you planned out.

"[N/n] take a seat." Tubbo starts off.

"No. Tell me what's going on." You look them up and down, confused and.. angry. You were so angry.

"Calm down.. it'll be okay.." Ranboo whispers.

"[N/n] I'll tell you just... Don't be angry." Tubbo continues.

You stay silent.

"Okay so uhm.." Tubbo takes the pin off and reveals himself as a saytr/goat hybrid.

You raise an eyebrow. You could care less about the species of someone. You have bigger issues.

Ranboo follows suit and when they take off their pin their whole body shifted into something different. They got taller and their skin changed color, their hair as well. Horns and a tail grew and their sunglasses fell to reveal their red and green eyes.

"Wh- guys I don't give a shit if you aren't human-" you start off.

"No there's more." Tubbo cuts you off.

"Uhm... Alot more.." ranboo adds nervously, scratching the back of their neck.

Tubbo clicks a button and like an odd bee iron man, a bunch of metal parts flew and attached themselves to tubbo. Creating your enemy...bee. yeah villain of the week guy.

Your eyes widened and you backed against the wall. Why were there no windows? This room feels stuff. What is happening? Is this your fault?

Million of thoughts ran through your head.Very quickly too.

"Bee?. So- so- so ran your- Awh man. Guys I know I'm like a hero and all but you don't gotta kidnap and or kill me- we- we're all friends here right..?" You smile nervously.

"Oh [n/n]..." Tubbo whispers as he walks up to you, caressing your face softly. "You've got this all wrong~"

"We aren't- We aren't going to kill you. That- that would be so counter intuitive." Ranboo huffs as they put your bag down.

"Whats- oh no. oh no. Fuck and- and I just escaped the- the sbi- you are sick fucks. You held me as I cried and now are doing the same thing? You are a bunch of-" Tubbo covers your mouth, clearly annoyed.

"That's different. You know us, you- you love us. Listen we just want to keep you safe little bee. It's all for you. You won't ever have to leave this room!! We didn't even get to show you around!" Tubbo grins and looks over at ranboo.

He holds his hand over your mouth and moves to hug you from behind. "Ranboo give them a tour of the place!"

Ranboo grins and begins showing off the place. "So that was the kitchen, just a fridge and microwave obviously.. can't trust you with anything else- ooh and this is the bathroom!! Pretty basic but it's got all your needs- and oh yeah!! The closet! Look!" They grin and open the closet showing off several outfits.

"AWH you would look so adorable in this stuff! Look the little bowtie! Awhhh!" They coddle you.

"Oh my Gods you are right! You would look so aworable wouldn't ywou!!~"Tubbo patronizes you.

You hiss annoyed and try to break out of buffbo's hold.

"Dear stop struggling or I'll take away dinner." Tubbo hisses.

"Tubs c'mon that- that might be to much- they- they're just confused. They'll understand soon." Ranboo tries to explain as the walk forward. Giving you a little kiss on the head while also acting as if you don't understand what they're talking about.

"Fine. Let's go make dinner." Tubbo sighs and nuzzles his head into your neck one last time for the night before letting you go.

You immediately run to the door and try and open it. You tug and tug and tug but the stupid lock needs a key and you don't have one.

"...[n/n] go sit on your bed before I break your legs." Tubbo says coldly.

You panic and slowly walk over to the bed, still glaring at them both.

"Good! Good spider!" Ranboo patronizes you.

They both pull out a key and unlock the double locks. They leave and lock the door after they walk out.


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