4. ᴜɴᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs

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It was finally a day when you didn't have to do anything. Your day off until you have school again tomorrow and have to deal with everything. By everything you of course mean life.

So on your day off you do the normal thing, and do nothing! Lazy day! Wooo! But of course, nothing ever goes the way you want it to. No no no.

You get an alert about a hostage situation. A villain was directly asking for you. You raised an eyebrow. This has never happened before. It was a villain you recognized but didn't know much about. You've never fought him before.

So you quickly put on your Spidey suit and swing on over. On top of a building the villain ares stands with a knife to the throat of a random citizen. The cops are down below and there's no other heroes in sight. You make it up there and he releases the person who runs to the stairwell.

He waves off the police and they take the person and drive off. There's no point in trying to catch ares, it would be giving them a death sentence.

"..so you called for me-?" You stand nervously. First Orpheus and now ares? What's next Theseus? How about Aeolus?

He stayed silent and walked closer to you. You shuffled towards the edge. He grabbed onto your shoulders and wouldn't let you move.

"Hey man! I don't know what kinda heroes you deal with but I'm a min-" you try and joke while getting him off of you but he cuts you off. "Sh." He puts his head against yours while he enjoys the silence.

You keep struggling, and you were scared. All of a sudden a voice was heard.

"ARES. HOW DARE YOU GO AGAINST MY ORDERS." The leader of the sbi, Aeolus flew down.

"I was just- " he looks back in fourth between you and aeolus. Then Orpheus and Theseus pop up.

"Please! We all wanted to see them, but I have self control." Theseus pouted.

"Please as if." Orpheus rolled his eyes.

"Actually he's right. He was the only one who didn't make a scene just to see them." Aeolus sighs and pinches his nose.

You quickly pull yourself out of ares' grip and look around.

"Uh I don't know what exactly is going on put if you want a hero to fight... don't call me. uhm..."your probably thinking about how weird this shit is.

"While we are here can we check that we actually have the right information?" Theseus asks as he walks closer to you.

Orpheus smiles and looks up at the leader Aeolus, who gives a small nod.

Theseus jumps up and down before holding on to you. Keeping you in place. You wiggle and try and break out of the grip but he's strong.

"Quit moving." Orpheus commands. And you freeze. Stupid siren.

Everyone looks excited as aeolus reaches behind your head and slides off your mask. You stand there shocked as your face is revealed. You reach to steal your mask back but your arms were held by Theseus.

"So they were right." Orpheus holds your face and looks at every detail. You struggle, what the fuck was going on.

"Mm yeah. Seems so." Aeolus hums.

"Can we keep themmmm?" Theseus says in a singsong manner.

"No not yet. Release them." The leader hums.

"Fineeeee." Theseus huffs as he releases you. You immediately snatch your mask and put it on before running and swinging off the roof.

Meanwhile they were still talking.

"Phil...they silence the voices. I-i need them-" Techno clutches his head.

"I know. Soon. We need to figure out what the eggpire wants with them, and make sure the others don't find out." He hums.

You were sobbing as you swung from roof to roof until you found an empty one far away. What the fuck was that. What the fuck. This wouldn't have happened. Where were the heroes? Where have they all gone? You needed to figure this out. At any cost.

"So we meet again." The alien spacey stands Infront of you. He's one of the lower ranked members of Las Nevadas.

"I'm not in the mood. Just come back later." The sniffles from you crying could be heard.

"...what's wrong? who hurt you?" He sat beside you.

"Why do you care? Listen man, I'll just fight you next time around. I've got business to attend to." You sigh and swing away, leaving purpled/spacey pissed.

Eventually when you get home you change and open up your closet and pull out a board. You will figure this shit out. No matter what.

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