30. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴛʜɪs? ᴘʟᴏᴛ ᴛᴡɪsᴛ ᴄᴇɴᴛʀᴀʟ?

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Bad starts, "One down," "A couple more people left to go." Ant finishes.

"First you hold [Name] hostage then you kill my son you-" before puffy screams you interrupt her.

"Way to reveal my identity." You glare.

"I assure you, most people in here already knew it, and besides. None of them are leaving alive so you don't need to worry about that!" Bad giggles and Yanks off your mask.

He neatly folds it and puts it in his pocket. Going back to what he was doing.

"Who to do next. Hm... Maybe Sam, maybe fundy ..or maybe we should do Niki.." bad ponders.

"Stop!" A male voices, you struggle to turn and look and....

It's quackity.

"Stop. Stop what your doing right now!" Bad, ant, and ponk aim their crossbows at quackity. "Hey bad. Heyyy" he nervously smiles.

"Quackity!" Bad grits his teeth.

"Relax bad. Relax bad." Quackity laughs. "Wow look at everything you've done here. It is impressive, it is. I won't lie. You have to stop right now bad. You have to stop."

"Stop?" Bad glares.

"This whole egg thing is getting out of control. You just killed a man."

You roll your eyes. Who in that room was actually innocent? Most have kidnapped you. All were villains, bad people. And here quackity was, acting as if he was superior. None of these assholes were good guys. Not even in these circumstances.

"Is that what you wanted to do bad? Was that your plan all along? To kill people? This has gone out of control. You need to stop this. I won't have it anymore."

"Oh? You think putting on armor stop us? Don't get in our way, and try and stop us, because you can't. We're to powerful." Bad seethes.

"Bad look at this. You've trapped all these innocent people, in what you've disguised as a party?" Quackity looks around until he sees you. "And look at [Name]! Do they seem happy here? They have a leg wound and are being held at knifepoint!"

"Like you're any better." Hannah seethes.

Quackity waves her off. "Bad you are doing all of this for an egg that doesn't even care about you. I mean look at the egg bad. It doesn't mean anything. So why don't we just stop playing games."

"I can't stop. I can't stop quackity and you know why I can't stop."

"Your not like this."

"If I stop, I can't get what I need."

"Your not like this bad. Your not like this."

"Yes I am."

"I'm going to tell you one more time bad. You and all your buddies, drop your weapons, release [Name] and leave." Quackity says.

"Pfft, or what?" Any frost sneers.

"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to bad." Quackity says.

"No. No. You drop your weapons. And you prepare! Because if you wanted to stop us quackity, you should have brought more than just yourself. Infact, you should have brought an army."

"Why bad, I did. I did. Well actually.. I brought the next best thing." He grinned. "I brought my biggest enemy! I brought my biggest enemy! So I'm not alone!" Quackity smirks as everyone gasps.

Technoblade himself comes out of the the newly made entrance quackity drilled.

"Alright quackity where's this egg thing?" Techno asks. His headache clears and his eyes dilate. He looks around till he spots you.

"Right here techno. Right here." Quackity laughs. "And of course you all know my colleague, purpled! Welcome him, bad."

"What? We still out number you." Bad glares at the three. "4 v 3"

"Not for long! ANT FROST YOUR DEAD!" Puffy ran at him with an axe. He deflected it.

Everyone went to all out fighting, the villains without weapons running out the exit, from which quackity and his gang came.

Hannah released you to fight with her gang of people.

Puffy did some actual damage. Injuring ant so much he passed out. Her wounds were no joke either. She escaped quickly.

The moment Hannah released you, you ran out the exit with everyone else. You dashed behind the others, even with your limp,  until you got dragged aside and another knife was held to your throat.

"Yeah. You aren't going anywhere."

"Oh my XD. let me go man. I'm so close. So close to the exit." You snarl.

"What's your offer? How much to let you go?"

"What? I don't- I don't have any money-"

"To bad then." He keeps your arms tight behind your back. As he leads you back to the egg purpled, quackity, and techno run out.

Let's rerun that, shall we?

After puffy knocked out ant and ran, you of course follow. You were at a weird distance. Making it so while techno was fighting the voices rung the silenced. It was hard to concentrate. 

And with techno acting weird, quackitys tiny alliance with him was not stopping his anger issues. He ran after [Name], but the further the got more more he realized he was losing blood.

Purpled, being alone with techno and the eggpire, didn't have a shot of winning. He ran and push fum long quackity out of his way. Techno following.

Punz walked you back over to the eggpire.

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