23. ɪ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴅᴏɴᴛ ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ʏᴏᴜ.

1.6K 69 37

"I'm sorry I can't-" your breath hitches. "I can't-"

"Whoa it's okay calm down. Just calm down, honey." The taller of the two says. She bends down to your height and they cup your face, looking for any injurys.

"Uhm- uhm-" The shorter of the two stammered.

Eret glared at niki before calmly looking back at you. "Stay right here sweetheart we will be right back." He let go and grabbed her hand dragging her away.

Hushed whispers were heard from a few rooms away.

"What is wrong with you! Get you act together! This- poor sick child needs us!" Eret whisper shouted.

"I know that! But that's the kid puffy was obsessed with! And you know she knows Sam! Prison uniform! It's not a coincidence!" Niki huffs.

"Jesus Niki! This is not the time to worry about your ex- girlfriend-"

"Ex- fiancee. And I'm serious!"

"Get your act together or we'll scare them off!"

"I will! But we can't get the authorities involved. I'm afraid this is deeper."

"Fine! Yes I know. But how could a child possibly have escaped prison?"

"Him. Do you think him is dr-"

"No. We don't speak that name in this shop. I have tried to forgive you for 'helping' with his whole thing, but if you bring it up I'll tell Sam and puffy it was part of your doing."

"Fine. But from what I know, 53'-!9 doesn't know them!"

"Let's just go help them."

The two walk back forced smiles on there faces. You over heard parts of their conversation, but not all of it.

"Sorry for freaking out." Niki said. "Do you happen to know puffy-"

"Niki!" Eret glared, yelling through his teeth.

Using the little knowledge you had, you knew how to play your cards, "why do you work with her? Because I'm not going back! I-it was illegal what she did!"

"What? No! No! I don't- I don't work with her. But uh- did she and... Sam hold you hostage? You know- kidnap you?"

"Niki! Shut up."

"Yes. She and Sam. I barely got out alive! I was looking for some help and well... They got all weird. Drugged me and kept me there. I barely got out alive." You said while walking over to the sink, washing the dirt off your face.

"I knew it." Niki grumbled.

"Niki! Don't bring it up." Eret glares. "Sorry sweety. Let's get you a shower and some clean clothes."

"Where are they going to shower?" Niki raises an eyebrow.

"We can go back to my place-"

"No! I mean.. no thank you. Sorry I don't uh, go to peoples... Places.." you awkwardly kick your feet.

"Oh." Eret nods.

Niki adds in, "There's the gym a few shops away, although it's very expensive to get in-"

"It shall be done." Eret rolls up her sleeves. "Niki get the robes."

"Right... Okay eret." Niki grumbles, walking away.

Eret scoffs at the dirty prison uniform. "We will definitely need to fix this up. Get you something.. completely different."

Niki rushes back with some silky robes. "I could only find yours eret! Sorry."

"It's fine. It'll be a little big but it'll work." Eret waves her off.

You all exit the shop and head over to the gym. Eret slams open the door and walks up to the register. "We need to use the showers."

Niki nods in agreement, holding the rope tight. You feel embarrassed in the prison uniform.

"W- uh- eret- you know I can't- he'd fire me-" the man stutters.

"Mhm. How much-" eret starts.

"Sorry uh- listen man. It'd just- be really helpful." You nod.

His eyes widen. "Wh- uh- [N]-"

"Jack. C'mon. Just give us this favor." Niki leans on the table.

He groans. "Fine. But if Mr.Schlatt fires me I will be pissed." He groans.

"Good. And we need the showers cleared out. No icky ... 'people' in the same place as them. They are a child." Eret straightens their sunglasses.

"Right. Right. This way." He lead you all back. His ragged bowtie nearly falling off.

"I'll clear the girls, if you do the boys." Niki says to eret.

Eret glares at Jack, "yeah. Sure." They walk off. Niki does the same.

Jack swings between the balls of his feet and the heels. Looking around anxiously. "So uh-"

"Your bowtie is dropping." You comment.


"It's sagging, dropping, falling."

"Oh. Yeah it gets like that. Uniforms, you know?"

"Not really."

"Oh. Yeah right. Child."



"Aren't you going to fix it?"


"The bowtie? Are you going to fix it?"

"Oh uhm. Yeah." He nods. He attempts to fix it but his hands are greasy, probably from sweat.

"Oh my XD. Let me get it." You glare at him and begin retying his bowtie. "There all better."

"Oh uh.. thanks." He smiles.

Right then a crowd of half nude men, (I'll let you guess which half), run out of the showers and out of the gym itself.

Then the women's bathroom does the same, more fully dressed tho. And most leave with dignity.

"All clear!" Niki comes out smiling.

"No more people." Eret nods, fixing their dress.

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