32. ᴛɪᴍᴇ, sᴘᴀᴄᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴇɢɢ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɢᴏᴅs

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8PM, Sunday

"fuck you and fuck your mom, and fuck your home and your family, and this entire STUPID EGGPIRE!!!"

It seemed as tho you were angry. Had some... Pent up rage. The moment bad and punz left, locking the door, the egg released you from most of the vines, except for one around your ankle.

You tried to rip it off, cut it, burn it, eat it. Nothing worked. And your entire room was made of the same material.

You were getting uncomfortable in the bloody suit so you changed into something different.

You should have seen this coming. I mean you've gotten kidnapped, what? 4 times now? More? Less? Who knows. Either way it's to much.

You wonder why everyone seems so obsessed with this egg. It doesn't have much effect on you. Bad even mentioned something about that.

You were directly under the egg and you felt no strong love or hatred for it. You were annoyed by being kidnapped but this egg wasn't "making you feel" anything.

At most you heard small whispers in some unknown language every once and a awhile, but no real connection.

You flopped to the floor. The egg vines wasting no time to snuggle up to your skin.

"What the fuck is wrong with this shit."

"I wouldn't be so negative." Ponk tsked as he opened the door. He held a tray with dinner on it.

You sit up and jump to a stand, trying to book it for the door. A vine trips you and you grumble on the floor.

Ponk sighs and sets the tray down. He closes the door and helps you up.

"Don't touch me. I don't want to be anywhere near you." You huff. "I hate all of you people. You- you kidnappers! Untrustworthy little-"

"Whoa whoa whoa! No. We aren't,.. I'm not untrustworthy." Ponk defends.

"Really? You aren't?" You say sarcastically. "Wow."

"Well.. I mean.."

"You lured everyone here for a party, which ended up being a death trap. And I got kidnapped. Yet again."

"Well, we never said we wouldn't.. It was just for the one time. You can trust me. I know what it's like to be betrayed." Ponk gestures to his arm.

Your face drops. "I may not understand what that's like, but that doesn't give you the excuse to kidnap me. I'm sure you all are traumatized and fucked up, but that's not my problem. Go to therapy next time." You mutter.

"..." Ponk stares at you. He reaches out and holds your face. "you'll understand soon."

You pull away. "Don't touch me."

Ponk sighs and leaves the room. Locking it behind him.

You sit in the room. You don't even know what to feel anymore. Was this what happened when you became a hero? Life has never been easy, not for anyone but this seems like to much.

Was life doomed for you? It feels like forces beyond your reach were controlling ever aspect of what happened.

Do you even have free will, reader?

Nevermind that. Maybe you should rest. Maybe the egg freaks will get desperate and let you out.

2AM Monday.

"Wake up.." a voice whispers. "Wake up.."

You groggily open your eyes to see a short man. He's red and boxy. He's like a red diamond man.

"Hi!" You can practically hear his smile in the dark room.

He pulls you up to a sitting position. He puts his head on your chest and listens for a solid 20 seconds.

Why is he doing this?

In the time he does so, your heart beat quickens. This is scary.

He pulls away and grins. "You sound perfect.. the egg chose you."

"huh..?" You try to rub the crust out of your eye.

"The egg told me.. it told me about you.." the man whispers.

"w- huh? Who are you?" You mumble.

He pulls you into a hug. "shh my precious. I'm skeppy. I just had to meet you.. I'll see you later. Just go back to sleep."

"please let me go.." you mumble. Feeling weak from exhaustion.


"Just please.."

"Fine." He huffs. "Your no fun."

He lets you go and climbs off your bed. He leaves your room.

You lay back down. More terrified then ever.

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