31. ɴᴇᴡ ʜᴏᴍᴇ, ɴᴇᴡ ғᴏʀᴍ ᴏғ ᴀɴɢᴇʀ

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"This.. is a mess." Bad sighed. He bit his lip, being totally stressed out.

Punz continued tying you up, with egg vines. He didn't even have to try very hard. The moment a vine touched you, it would wrap around tightly. Locking you in a sort of goey hug.

"It could be worse. We're all alive and we have rosebud. That's a plus." Hannah notes. She's cleaning ants wounds so he doesn't die. He's barely awake.

"Yeah but they got away. I was really looking forward to killing Sam." Ponk sighs as he disinfects the arrow wound on your leg.

"We can always lead the others back with [Name]. You did say those 'people' were obsessed with them?" Punz asks, messing with your hair.

"I will kill all of you and feed your dead body to 'the egg' or whatever it's called." You hiss.

Bad rolls his eyes and using his tail he pulls out your mask he took earlier and shoves it in your mouth, as a sort of gag.

"Ponk get some healing potions for ant, I'm going to bring [Name] to their new room." Bad says.

"On it!" Ponk get up and walks away.

Punz, followed bad as he picked you up and walked you down a flight of stairs to this sort of cellar, made of the same egg vine material. It also being TNT proof.

Bad unlocked the door and entered the room. It seemed like a nice normal room except for the lack of windows, and the red vines all over the room.

Bad sat you on the bed and checked to make sure everything is perfect.

"This is the best place for you! Right underneath the egg. The egg said it wouldn't.. have the same effect on you, but we still want you as close as possible." Bad smiled.

"Me, Punz, Hannah, Ponk, and ant when he gets to be able to move will all come and check up on you. Bring you food, etc. The bathroom is right through that door, and your closet is that door-" he pointed, "so you have everything you need. We'll let you get adjusted. And we have plenty of beet soup if you're hungry!"

Punz nodded and took the mask out of your mouth.

"You fuckers will-" the vine around your body slithered up and covered your mouth.

"Tsk. Be good now [Name]." Bad pat your head before exiting, punz following.

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