14. ғɪɢʜᴛ ᴄʟᴜʙ

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You paced on the ceiling. You were a person with superhuman-spider abilities. Why couldn't you beat just two regular hybrids?

You needed out of here. You had no one you could trust, you'd need new allies. You couldn't put aunt may in danger and clearly, you couldn't trust your friends.

All you knew was you had to get out of here, then find somewhere safe.

You almost jumped when you heard tubbos hooves walking towards the door. It was breakfast time.

Tubbo unlocks the door and walks in.

"[Name]? Where are you?" He puts the tray down on your table.

You quickly dart across the ceiling and through your door. Lucky tubbo forgot to shut it.

You dart throughout the house and drop down to the floor. Rushing down several stairwells until you run into ranboo.

"[Name]? What are- what are you doing?" They look worriedly. He holds out his arms. "Let's get you back to your-"

"No!" You panic and climb on the wall then up to.the ceiling. You jump down and land on ranboo pushing them to the floor. The stumble around dizzy and you quickly run.

"[Name]-!" Tubbo starts running after you.

"Fuck off!" You hiss and run further.

You get to the front door but it's locked.

"[N/n] just- calm down-" tubbo holds his hands out. "It's all okay just- just come with me-"

"No! Stay back!" You back up against the door.

Ranboo teleports next to tubbo, still looking quite dizzy.

"[Name]. Back away from the door." Ranboo speaks up.

"Hm.. you know what. Sure!" You jump at them, tackling tubbo. You pin down his arms and search his pockets quickly. You steal his keys and flip up onto the ceiling.

Ranboo panics and purple particles surrounding them. You walk on the ceiling and run off in a random direction. Tubbo gets up and follows you, ranboo aswell.

You make random turns and tubbo gets lost, ranboo teleports behind you. You jump down on ranboo and try to steal his keys.

Ranboo teleports on top of you and trys to call for tubbo but you kick them off you and stand up quickly, ranboo stands up in a matter of second and tries to grab you. You slide by them and steal their keys before running off.

You make it to the door ranboo chasing you and tubbo trying to catch up. You go through the keys as your running and throw the obviously not ones on the ground.

You keep it down to 2 keys on each key set and finally make it to the front door. You try one key but it doesn't work so you go to try another but ranboo and tubbo burst into the room.

You throw the key at tubbo and he clutches his eye in pain. You quickly run past ranboo and trip them. You turn around and try another key on the door. It works. One more key left.

Ranboo gets up and teleports behind you, to which you elbow them in the stomach. You jump over them and run over to tubbo. Running around him and making him stumble and fall over. You rush back over to the door and...

It unlocks. You busy it open and run. Darting through the long driveway.

"[NAME]?!?!" Tubbo screams out, chasing after you on his goat legs. Ranboo keeps teleporting behind you but they can't keep up.

"FUCK OFF YOU KIDNAPPERS!!" You hiss and climb up a tree. Now jumping from treetop to tree top. Ranboo teleports up there but stumbles and falls off the trees. Tubbo is still running after you.

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