27. ғʀᴇᴇ ʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʙᴇᴇᴛ ʀᴏᴏᴛ sᴏᴜᴘ

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(REMEMBER!! this isn't cannon to the dsmp lore, but I did follow some of the lore. This is important.)

Everyone excitedly made their way over to the table. 3 reserved seats at the head we're for Ant, Ponk, and Sir. Bad himself. Punz had left, for some unknown reason. And the only other reserved seat was for someone named velvet.

"Welcome! Welcome everybody! As you can see, for dinner we have soup, mad by our very own Ponk!" Bad starts off.

"Thank you Ponk!!" Everyone cheers out, like kids when they are forced to say thank you.

"Wow that's impressive." Foolish says, "to do all that cooking with one hand? Wow."

Ponk glares at him. "Aha. Aha. Aha." Very forced laughs.

"He is a professional." Bad notes.

"I'm glad we can joke about it now. It seems like your over it." Foolish grins.

"SO-" Bad starts up again. "So uh, everyone, I just want to say this, thank you for coming! Obviously the purpose of this is to let bygones be bygones! And before I get into the rest of my speech, I'm wondering if anyone else would like to say anything?"

The room is quiet for a moment until foolish speaks up.

"I'm really happy- y'know I'm really sick of hearing bygones be bygones so I hope after today everything will be all good, and we don't have to hear the words 'turn a new leaf' or 'bygones'" puffy mutters a quiet 'oh no' as her son rants.

"And sure, sure, you egg guys have done some.. pretty aggressive sales pitches. The vines? Also kinda ugly.. you also blew up my summer home-" he kept on going. At least you have notes of some of the things they've done now.

"But heyyy!! You know! I'm all about second-third chances." He looks at you while he says that. "And I think this is what this is all about. And I've come hear in the hope that we can all come to agreement on this." Many people agree, adding in 'mhm!'s 'yeps'.

"So cheers to a third-fourth chance!" He ends the speech.

"Cheers!!" Everyone calls out.

Many more speeches happen. Eret, apparently being a politician, talks about how they are glad to put fighting away. The government doesn't care as long as the eggpire isn't being a terrorist group, basically.

Ponk stands up for a speech. "Long ago, a old man, you know? A wise man once told me, people change like tides in the ocean." He gets up onto the table. Everyone starts whispering 'oh..' 'oh no.'

"Now! I really know they do!" He walks Infront of Sam and spits on him. He walks back to his seat and sits down.

You don't know why he did that, but it makes you like Ponk slightly more.

Puffy gave a speech. As much as you hated her, it gave you some insight. Supposedly she used to be best friends with bad and ant, and even worked with the eggpire.

"Would anyone else like to give a speech?" Bad asks.

Everyone wanted this guy to give a speech, some guy named George. He had just woken up and seemed more interested in the soup than anything else.

"What's the soup?" He asks.

"It's beet soup! :3" Ponk explains.

"Beet?" "What-" "yes it's-" over lapping voices talk. "What flavor?"

"Yes it's beet soup. Organic free range beet" Ponk explain.

"Free range?" Many people raise an eyebrow.

"Organic! I mean. Organic! No chemicals added!" Ponk swears.

This moment almost makes you laugh. Almost makes you lighten up, but how can you trust it? It's been 6 days that you've been fighting for your freedom. It feels so quick and yet so long. You really want a hot shower, and a hug from aunt may. But you're stuck here for now.

Just, enjoy it while you have it, reader.

"Why'd you put chemicals in soup?" Foolish wanders.

"Well he didn't, so-" fundy comments.

"Any more speeches?" Bad looks around. Silence.

"Do you have a speech bad?" Puffy asks.

"Why yes. I do." He grins.

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