20. ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ. ᴇᴠᴇʀ. ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ.

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"perfect! We've got our plan!" You smile.

"Kid. Why are you so... Obsessed with taking down the eggpire?" Puffy leans towards you.

"What? They're villains. A cult. This is my only chance to do this. If I take them down I can take down anyone. Las Nevadas. The sbi. Even the fucking...d... Yeah. Uhm.. anyways. I need to do this."

"Hey, I wasn't trying to stop ya. Just remember to be safe. Me and Sam will be there with you."

"It's so weird that they invited all of us even tho we're enemies. Do they want to send a message or?" You question.

"I'm not sure. But we don't have any other options." Sam sighs.

"Whatever. If they try to fight me I'll just kick their asses! I mean a radioactive spider bit me! What could they possibly have!"




"Maybe we should fill you in on some things we already know about the eggpire so you don't... Go in blind." Puffy speaks up.

"that would be best, yeah." You nod.


"Holy shit that's alot to take in...." You mutter. "How do you know so much?"

"Badboyhalo, the leader he... He was my best friend once. Infact I used to work for the badlands, which was his cult before it became about the egg." Puffy explains, Sam nodding in agreeance.

"So- you both were in a cult? Your.. villains..?"

"No! No! Ahah. No. You misunderstand. We're... We're good guys!" Puffy laughs nervously.

"Do you've changed .? No more terrorization?"

"Well... uhm.." Sam scratch's his neck nervously.

"No! No we don't!" Puffy grits her teeth into a smile.

"I don't.... I don't know if this will work out. I- I'm going to gather my stuff and head out- I can't work with.... villains." You back away.

Puffy eye twitches and she takes a step forward but Sam stops her. "If that's what you think is best [Name]."

"Y-yeah.." you dart off. Running over to the cell where all your stuff is. You gather it up quickly but when you turn to exit the door shuts, and the sound of the keys locking it echos throughout the prison.

You drop your stuff and run to the door where Sam is, puffy standing behind him.

"Sam. Sam. Let me out man, this isn't funny. You said you wouldn't do this!"

"I'm very disappointed in you [Name]. Didn't your mother teach you better than to be judgemental?" He tilts his head mockingly.

"Don't talk about my mother! You don't know anything!" You hiss.

"Mh. I suppose it's for the best. I didn't really want you going out, thinking of defeating the eggpire. This really is for you're best interest."

"Sam please. Please let me out- we- we have to take down the eggpire! Together!"

He arches an eyebrow. "You'll be fine."

"No! Please! Puffy! Hey puffy! Let me out please! I- I know you're a- a good person, right!?" You stutter, shaking the bars.

"[Name]. You really should have payed more attention. I care about you to much to let you throw yourself into danger."

"What? Y-you just met me!" You shake the bars more.

"You really should pay more attention." She puts on a pin and shifts into your teacher, Mrs puffy.

"W-what? C'mon. Please just- please let me out! I'll be safe! I'll stay here just please-" you shake the bars even more, tears falling down your face. "Please.."

Puffy takes off her pin and reaches out to hold your face. She holds it and wipes away your tears. "It's for the best, my lamb. We're doing this for you."

Sam nods and touches puffy's shoulder, "We should leave them alone. Let them think."

Puffy nods and releases your face. "Yeah. We need to plan anyways." She starts to leave, "you coming Sam?"

"Yes. In a moment." He responds.

"Mhm." Puffy nods and leaves.

Sam takes off his pin, revealing himself to be an explosive creeper.

"What do you want, villain?" You scoff at him.

He grabs a fist full of your jacket, dragging you to the bar of the cage. "I might be a 'Villain' but I am still a warden [Name]. So I know how to keep my prisoners in. Don't even try to escape." He releases you. You back away.

"Fuck you! I- I will get out. I will." You resist.

"Mhm. [Name] this is a max security prison. Don't make me move you to the Pandora's vault. Then there will be no way out unless... Just. No way out. How would you even escape, hm?"

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