ʟᴀsᴛ ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs~ (ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ)

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"NUH UH!" You howled as you ran after Uncle Ben. "I know Santa isn't real! We're allowed to eat the cookies!"

"You lie child! When did you get such a cold heart!!" Ben laughed as he jumped over the couch, spilling the cookies on the floor.

"NOOOO! The cookies!!" You fake sobbed.

"Stop playing! C'mon it's time for dinner!" Aunt May laughed as the two of you rushed to the dinner table.

"Who cooked? Because your food is terrible aunt may" you joked as you took a seat.

"Ha. Ha. You'll be grateful for my cooking when I'm gone." She rolled her eyes and placed down the food.

"Doubt it."

"𝓭ᵒ𝘶𝖻Ⓣ︎ 𝖎ㄒ"

"ᦔꂦu҈b҉t̸ 🄸𝖙"

The spoon hit the plate. All the "tasty" meals were disgusting. Nothing was like home. [Name] sighed as they avoided the food Ponk had cooked.



"Shut up and eat my cooking." Aunt May rolled her eyes as she took a seat.

"Be nice to your aunt... Or I won't keep giving you lessons." Uncle Ben said sneakily.

"Yes sir!" You saluted, being over dramatic. You ate the food quickly.

"What lessons? Ben are you teaching them engineering again? That better not bring up my power bill." Aunt May sighed.

"It doesn't!!" You and Uncle Ben said at the same time. "Jinx!"

You laughed and continued to devour the food.

"Ay! That won't get you presents any faster!" Aunt May slapped you to slow down.

"Sorryyy- I'll slow down!" You reply.

That was such a fun night.

"So this is the future hero? Seriously? A kid?" The man huffed. Leaning back in his seat.

"Yep. But there's more to it-" a smaller man tried to talk.

"When." The man demanded.


"When do they become a hero?"

"6 months from now-"

"Good. I'll make sure they never want to become a hero. They'll never step to me." The man huffed.

"I only told you because my fiancee is on your team. If he gets hurt-" The man tried to talk.

"He won't." The man cut him off.

"I have more to say. That 'kid' is supposed to change the entire fate of the world. I've seen it. I think the best bet would be to.. kill them." The man fiddled with his brightly colored hoodie.

"No. I have a better plan."

"We'll see how it works. But the fate of this world is in the balance."

"Exactly. I'll make sure everything goes my way. It'll be perfect, (@4)."

"Whatever you say.."  (@4) left.

(@4) stood on a balcony. "I need to get rid of that kid. In- in six months. I can't let them ruin the world.." the man muttered to himself.

The other sir called up a "friend". "3435. I know you have some... Connections. I need you to get that guy.. uh.. Ben parker, fired from his electric job or whatever he does. No questions asked."

"_8!3. 697 '@!'5 (330 7#8!& ?3 @!$ ?6 '9!!3'589!#."

"I can do whatever I want. I basically own you 3435. Now do it. I got you that power. I can take it away."

"_8!3. &99$;63 $43@?."

"Bye~" he hung up. "Stupid bitch.."

"Do you mind if I invite over toby?" You asked.

"The guy you tutor? I don't know.." aunt may looked suspicious. "It's kind of weird to be friends with him, as much as you are."

"He's only a year older. A uh.. freshmen. And I know for a fact that his dad is an iffy person. I met him once and he was drunk the whole time. That's why I don't go over to his house anymore."

"Yeah.. I don't know."

"Pleaseee aunt may! Maybe not for Christmas but after Christmas! Please!"

"ugh.. fine! Fine!" Aunt May sighed. "Tomorrow. You can invite him over."

"Thank you may!!" You cheered giving her a hug. "So presents?"

"Yes yes!!" Uncle Ben cheered walking towards the tree. His phone rang. "On second thought, one second."

He walked out the room.


"Ben.. I uh.. I hate to say this.. man you've been fired."

"What..? Did I do something wrong? Did i- man.."

"Nah. It wasn't you. It wasn't even my decision. Some higher ups.. not sure what's happening but uh.. I'm sorry man."

"Shit.. guess I need to find a new job."

"Fuck. Sorry dude. Uh.. merry Christmas Ben." He hung up.

Ben walked back into the living room. "May we need to talk, just for a minute."

"Okay.. yeah." The two walked off leaving [Name] alone.

Eventually the two walked back in. "It's Christmas! Open your gift kid!" Uncle Ben said, a wavering smile on his face.

You opened the gift. It was something special to you. Something you'd hold dear for quite awhile.

Philza twisted the tiny pocket knife. It had the initials B.P. it was on [Name] when he kidnapped them. He still had it with him after they ran off. Along with their phone and a few other objects.

Everything's connected.

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