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ayumu's condition stayed the same even after taking the medications given to him. you got desperate and eventually turned to shinobu for help.

"i'm so sorry for bothering y-"

"[y/n] it's okay, i'll take it from here. you go home and rest," she placed her hands on your shoulders, turning you around and giving you a light push. you stumbled out the door with the same uneasy feeling in your chest. you turned around to protest but shinobu beat you to it. "you look like you haven't slept in days," she pointed out. "go back, get a good nights sleep. don't worry, i'll give you an update as soon as i can alright? goodnight!" the door to the butterfly estate got shut before you could say anything. letting out a defeated sigh, you reluctantly made your way back to giyuus' estate.

and since then, ayumu has been in shinobus' care. you still felt uneasy about not being the one looking after him. of course you trusted shinobu, but you couldn't help but worry.

"[y/n]?" giyuu had just came back after completing his nightly patrol, entering through the front door when he noticed you in the living room, wide awake and staring into space.

"you're still awake? i thought you said you were going to bed before i left."

you sunk further into the couch as giyuu watched you with a concerned gaze. "can't sleep," you simply replied, letting yourself fall to the side so that you're laying down now.

giyuu noticed how you weren't in the mood to talk and left you alone as he went to take a shower.

you closed your eyes to try to fall asleep but find yourself waking up every few minutes. it was frustrating but you didn't know what to do.

the house was completely silent except for the faint sound of running water hitting the bathroom floor. it reminded you of the rain, and you loved it. you always found yourself falling asleep much easier on rainy nights. you didn't know why but the sound gave you comfort.

soon, your eyelids started to get heavier as you struggle to keep them open. within the next minute or two, you were finally able to feel relaxed and get the sleep you very much needed.


you woke up in the comforts of your own bed despite falling asleep on the couch. you stayed in bed, unable to find the strength to get up. pulling the blanket over your body, you turned to your side, staring at the blank wall. you weren't sleepy anymore, but you were still tired. you just felt like laying in bed for the rest of the day.

just as you closed your eyes again, you heard the room door open and someone entering.

you heard something being placed on the table next to your bed and turned around out of curiosity.

"oh. good morning," giyuu greeted as he placed the utensils on your table next to the food. "i bought gyudon for you, just in case you woke up hungry."

"thank you," you gave him a small smile, pushing yourself up to a sitting position. you looked out the window and that's when you noticed how the sun was actually starting to set.

"good morning you said..?" you turned to giyuu with a raised brow. "what time is it?"

"seven... something," he replied, "you've been asleep for over twelve hours."

"o-" the sound of your stomach grumbling echoed through the room, interrupting you. you sat there on your bed, embarrassed. giyuu whipped his head to the side as he pursed his lips, shoulders shaking a little.

you narrowed your eyes at him, "are you laughing at me?"

he let out a cough, shaking his head. "of course not, why would i-" he cut himself off with another cough, slapping a hand over his mouth while he continued shaking his head.

"i need to go, see you," and in a blink of an eye, he was gone.

"loser," you mumbled under your breath, smiling to yourself as you got out of bed, bringing the bowl of guydon out of the room with you.


"he still has a fever but it's not as bad as before," shinobu explained as you entered her estate. "he just took his medication an hour ago so he's knocked out right now."

"that's fine, i just wanted to make sure he's doing okay," you followed shinobu to the room where ayumu was staying in. "you look much more awake now" she teased, "have you eaten?"

"yeah, giyuu bought food for me," you said with a smile.

the insect pillar covered her mouth with a hand as she stared at you with wide eyes. "how sweet!" she giggled, "he must like you a lot~"

"it's just food, that doesn't mean he likes me," you waved her off.  "you don't get it, tomioka-san never acts like that around other people, he definitely likes you," shinobu insisted, "trust me."

"hm, sure," you nodded, still not believing what she said.

"so? what about you? do you like him?"

you let out a hum, unsure of how to answer the question.

do i like him?

"i don't know," you shrugged, not really thinking about it. "he's a good person, you know. i like being around him and all but... i don't know," you frowned.

"that's fine," shinobu gave you a knowing smile as she asked another question. "what's your type?"

"oh, uhm, i've never really thought about it," you muttered. while you racked your brain, attempting to find an answer, you couldn't help but think about giyuu. "uhh, someone that takes care of me? i find it nice when others look out for me and all that, it makes me feel important. i mean, it's not much but uhm it's something i guess..?"

maybe it's because you've been the one taking care of people all your life, it'll be nice to have someone look out for you. your mum couldn't do it but it was fine, she tried her best to care even in her condition. your dad was always away on missions and was rarely home, if you were being honest, you never found yourself missing him.

giyuu was the first person to ever make you feel important. the way he takes care of you, staying by your side until he was sure you were okay. walking you home because you were unwell, even though he had a mission to deal with. it was the way he listens to your rants and tries to help you even when he doesn't know how to. and when he insisted you moved in with him so you could get away from douma even if it's for a while. giyuu cared for you in a way no one ever did. and that made you feel something.

"that makes sense," shinobu nodded, opening the door to ayumus' room for you. "well there he is, fast asleep," she smiled, gesturing to a sleeping ayumu.

he looked so at ease and much better than the other day. "thank you so much for taking care of him," you gave shinobu a slight bow to show your gratitude. "oh! it's okay, really! you're my friend, i'd do anything to help you," she laughed, giving you a nudge. "no need to be so formal like that."

"it's just, he's the only person i have left and i would never be able to forgive myself if something happens to him," you explained. "so, thank you for helping me."

you were surprised when you were suddenly pulled into a warm embrace. shinobu didn't say anything and you didn't know what to say either. you simply returned her hug, appreciating this little moment.


sorry i fell asleep 😿

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