Kiwi, Not For Me

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Some foods are a mystery to me

Love fruit, I understand what I am eating

Bananas for instance; there's a preference between people who eat very young bananas and those who prefer ripe to the point of too ripe.
Different people tolerate different things.

Anyway, it's a story about fruit I like to consider, I understand it.

But as far different from this joy is the kiwi. I hesitate to add "fruit" when naming the thing. The problem for me about it apart from it's not a fruit to me is that the smell is recognizable. We've all walked too close to a dead animal in the breeze.
Just imagine tasting it, ouch!

The kiwi could be used as a hand grenade in a shit war.

I did think of what they could be used for though. An addition to the diagnostic toolbox for the mental health community, a test sort of triage by serving kiwi in a fruit salad.

If they leave it or eat it could be an indicator of attentive intelligence and because they would just eat it fearful of displaying rudeness to the hostess. They're wishy-washy, followers, repressed, fear driven, agreeres with the last opinion heard just to avoid an argument on a point they don't even have. You know the type.

Those leavin it, could become great leaders showing such wisdom.

I )could go on with other examples of kiwi methodology and I apologize to the wonderful people of lovely New Zealand, nothing personal at all.

After all, Kiwi is just a nickname with a lot less weirdness than being called a Yankee doodle dandy.

I'm done here, except for the one obvious unanswered question about the smelly kiwi.
What was it before it died?

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