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The taxi ride seemed to go on forever. I was on my way to my brand new apartment and I couldn't wait! After a pretty rough home life I was pretty excited to be on my own. There was no looking back now. And I didn't plan on it either. My full intention was to cut off my parents from my life. I didn't need them ruining my getaway. Dreamily I watched as the small town I once lived in, morphed into a city. My new home.

It was getting pretty late when the car jerked to a stop.
"Um.. excuse me? What's going on?" I couldn't see out the drivers windshield due to my luggage, but I could see out my window and this didn't exactly look like my apartment.
"Traffic jam." The man's voice was scratchy, likely from years of either smoking or yelling at other cars to 'get outta the way'. "We're gonna be 'ere a good while." Great. I pulled out my phone to see how close we were and luckily it was within walking distance. I thanked the driver, get her her pay and dragged my luggage a few blocks down the street.

The area was kinda sketchy, with plenty of drug deals going on, not so discreetly, and quite the handful of cat callers. I did my best to keep my head. I didn't want to get kidnapped or assaulted on my first day, or at all, and I definitely didn't want to prove my mother right. Before I left she had yelled at me that something terrible would happen or other. I wasn't too sure what she'd said because I was doing my best to block her out. My dad however was a little more difficult to ignore because he was repeating all of my doubts. Actually he was more of yelling them. He said I was too young to move out and that it'd be difficult for me to balance my school life and work life just to afford to have a home. But I couldn't stay there. They only wanted me to stay to do the chores, but the groceries and make the meals.

I reached my hotel while I was still lost in thought, so it felt like I got there in no time at all. I sped-walked in and raced up the stair to the place I'd be calling home. I collapsed on the musty, springy bed and rubbed my eyes. I was exhausted but glad to finally be here. I decided to just end my day here and go to sleep. I could unpack in the morning. I stretched and let out a long sigh before curling up under my sheets. Yesterday, I'd already brought my few things I thought were necessary like my blanket and pillow. All that was left was in my suitcase. My clothes and the more special things like my sketch book. Today, I was free.

For about five minutes.

As I was trying to sleep a bright glowing orange light lite up my room. Dazed and confused I stared at it until it's force started to pull at me. Frantic, grabbed my bed frame. This is how I would die. I was sure. I was desperately pleading in my head for this vortex to go away when I noticed my luggage rolling towards it. I didn't have enough money to buy new clothes and my whole life was in there! With my spare hand I griped onto the handle of the suitcase. The force became stronger and stronger. My hand on the bed frame was slipping. Out of nowhere, a spider was sucked from out of my bed towards the light but in my face on its way, stopping it from going in but making me jump. My hand let go of the bed and I was gone. Sucked into a tunnel of doom. I screamed but it was useless. To add to my misery, the spider had bitten my nose as some kind of last attempt at life. I immediately became nauseous and I blacked out. Before I knew it I was spat out of the vortex and hit hard on a stone wall. I felt like throwing up. What in the world just happened. I sat there confused and scared and feeling like last weeks trash.

And then I threw up.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now