Where Is He?

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I'm alive! Here's the chapter I took an unnecessarily amount of time to publish 😝

Tuesday dragged on like never before.

I thought it was hard being around him trying not to say anything but it was ten times worse being without him.

I was sitting in class, all alone. He wasn't here. All this time I'd taken advantage of having him around. I never realized how dull school could become without him.

Anxiety set in the moment I walked into class this morning. Seeing his seat empty wasn't something I was accustomed to.

At first I though he must be running late. It's happened before I'm pretty sure. I mean, everyone's late once or twice.

But Pavitr isn't exactly like everyone else.

5 minutes felt like a millennium. Still no Pavitr.

I don't know why but every couple minutes or so I'd glance over to his seat, as if he's suddenly be there, like I'd imagined him being absent this whole time.

...That never happened.

Scenarios of him appearing last second, bursting through the door, a big goofy smile on his face, was taking over my mind.

If someone asked me anything about what the teacher was saying, I wouldn't be able to tell them. I had absolutely no idea. All I could think about was Pavitr.

He did say he was going to see Gayatri yesterday... maybe something happened?

Dread spread through me, prickling my back like needles.

Did something bad happen...?

I highly doubt Gayatri hurt him- physically at least. She may have done a really bad thing but she doesn't seem like the kind of person to attack anyone.

I jumped slightly when the bell snapped me out of my head.

I rushed to my next class, walking as fast as my thoughts were spinning.

I was going down a spiral of 'what if?'s abt it was pure torment.

I was going insane!

My anxiety changed the day from dragging on to moving from under my feet. Before I knew it, it was lunch but I didn't feel like eating. I went to my locker instead though- I had no real reason to go. I just wanted to avoid sitting in the cafeteria alone.

Guess being alone was the last of my worries.

A cold shiver went up my back to my head. It felt like headache yet nothing like one at all. All I knew was it triggered my fight or flight.

Seconds later a finger tapped my shoulder.


I don't know her name or who she is even. All I know is she has a thing for Pavitr and she's after me.

She was standing uncomfortably close, eyes sneering like she was judging my worth. I'm guessing she decided on something pretty low.

I hate her. I'm not scared or intimidated by her. I just hate her. Pure loathing. Seeing her makes my flesh crawl and my stomach twist feeling completely sick to my stomach.

A bitter smile flashed at me. A classic girl move. Pretending to like the person you hate.

When she spoke her voice made me want to either throw up or punch her gut. It triggered a ferocity deep inside me.

"Hi! You're the new girl in our class right?" The look of exhausted distain on my face showed. I didn't even try to hide it. I had bigger things to worry about then her.

Her smile became more artificial than before. Bigger and brighter as her hate for me shone through.

"I'm Aadihila. Nice to meet you!" I wanted to die. She was way over doing it with her overly enthusiastic tone. I'd much rather her be outright rude to me than whatever it was she was doing.

I just looked at her, my lips slightly pulled up in unamusement. I didn't even bother responding to anything she said. She's wasting my time and I'm not going to give her the pleasure of any kind of verbal reaction.

Her face shifted to a false pitiful look.

"So I can't tell you're kinda like obsessed with Pavitr and I just wanted to let you know you're not his type before you get hurt." ...Girl.

She pouted at me "You just seem so soft it'd be such a shame to see him reject you. That's be so embarrassing for you. He's more into girls he trusts. Y'know, girls HES known his whole life. I should know- I'm like his best friend."

Riiiiight.... That's why he stood you up for me. Cuz y'all are 'best friends'.

There's no way I'd say that to her- she'd probably jump me- if she even had the balls to do it.

I could easily put her in her place right now. I mean I've got spider-powers. Im not stupid though. I'll just let her think she's better than me.

I'm not gonna pretend I like her however.

She flashed another smile at me and spun around finally getting out of my face.

I watched for a second as she walked away before sitting down by my locker like a loser, thinking of Pavitr and all the possible reasons he might not be here today.

I decided it was best not obsess over it so for the rest of the day I focused on shoving it in a dark corner of my mind.

...That was a lot harder to do the next day when he was absent again.

What if he's sick?

Should I check up on him? Would he get annoyed?

The second the end of the day bell rung I rushed out the doors.

I ran home. Pushing my body temporarily distracted me.

I got home sooner than I would've liked.

This seems to be a routine of mine. I thought as I kept out my bedroom window.

Every time something goes wrong in my life I either depressively lie in bed or go out as Spider-Girl.

I hopped maybe I'd run into Spider-Man.

The thought made my stomach flutter. To see his smile. Hear his laugh. Be teased relentlessly. I missed it.

Sure- I saw him three days ago but that's far too long if you ask me.

I kept around from violins to building my excitement slowly dying.

It'd been maybe thirty minutes and still no sign of him.

Maybe I was being a little impatient.

I can't expect him to show up every time I'm dressed as Spider-Girl. That's asking too much.

...still... it would've been nice.

I gave up on looking for him an hour later and went home for dinner.

Thursday came and went as Pavitr was absent once again.

This time I wasn't going to brush it off. Pavitr cared a lot about school, something had to be wrong.

The moment school was over I made a bee line for his house.

I was going to check up on him and I wasn't taking no for an answer.

I knocked on the door and waited anxiously for an agonizingly long forty seconds.

I Berne's at his aunt as she opened the door.

She spoke first before I could even ask if I could seen him.

"I'm sorry y/n sweetie, not today."

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now