Favours - Pavs POV

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"Wow! This is really good!" I took another sip of the chai. "What I'm the world did you put in here?" I managed to say between sips.

"I'm gonna be very honest with you right now, I have no idea."

I almost choked on the chai and my eyes widened.

"I'm joking! It's cinnamon. Sorry," she was snickering when she said this as I was desperately trying to be cough out the chai I breathed in. The more I coughed, the harder she laughed at me.

"This- is so not- ...funny-" I said between my coughs.

"It's actually very funny"

I shot her a glare and finally caught my breath.

The rest of the time I spent there I felt very relaxed. Every now and then I'd remember she had spider powers but I pushed it to the side. I'll leave that conversation for another day.

We ended up heading downstairs to the living room and watching a movie.

It was so close to being perfect.

A loud commotion from the streets, when the movie was so close to being over.

I guess the world doesn't wait for Spider-Man.

We both got up and peered out the window to see some kind of giant rat.

"Oh! Y/n I'm so sorry! I um, promised my aunt I'd go back home if I saw anything dangerous.. heheh.." I gave her my best sorry smile.

"Oh yeah of course you should probably be heading out then." She was quite literally pushing me out the door.

"Ok well- bye!" I ran out the door and dove into a alley to quickly put on my spider suit.

I webbed my backpack onto the wall and immediately dove into action.

I swung onto the top of a building to give me not momentum and shot webs out of both my hands onto the rats back and launched myself towards it, hitting its head hard with my feet.

The rat rose up to its hind feet, squealed desperately. The noise was horrid. Everyone within a 50 meter radius covered their ears and instinctively curdled up in balls including myself.

In my moment of vulnerability, someone I couldn't see took the opportunity to gut punch the rat, making the thing fly backwards.


I spun around looking for who could've done that. My expression quickly changed from shock to a smile when I saw a girl in a makeshift Spider-Man costume.


She didn't hesitate to keep hitting the giant rat, this time in its jaw.

I watched in awe before my grin widened and I helped her out.

Within no time at all, the rat was lying on its side, unable to move.

She turned to me and through the cut out eye holes of her mask, I could tell she had a big smile.

I returned her smile and pulled her in for a hug, holding on tight.

I regretted this instantly.

Awkwardly I pulled out of the hug and laughed to myself and just stood there military style. Thank goodness she can't see the horror on my face right now.

She laughed at me and held out her fist for a bump.

"Nice one." She sounded so calm and I admired her for this. I mean she just beat the crap out of a monster sized rat. I returned her fist bump.

"So what's the deal with the Godzilla-rat?"

"Ummm good question, I don't actually-" I tried responding before I was cut off by a woman in a lab coat ran towards us... nvm not us, the rat.

"Frank!" Frank? Me and y/n gave each other a confused look.

The woman put a remorseful hand on the rat before her face deadpanned and she injected something into in. The rat gave a quiet final squeak before slumping. Did she just kill it?..

Y/n and I just kept staring at this lady, hoping for some answers. The woman noticed and started to type something into a tablet.

"Sorry for the inconvenience Spider-Man and uh.. you." Her tablet said 'subject diseased' and a big truck flew around the corner and men marched out with a huge stretcher. They heaved the rat into the truck and the woman followed them in and just like that they were gone.

"Ummm..." y/n started to say something but we were both still slightly shocked from what had happened moments before.

We unanimously looked at one another and without saying a word, agreed to head up to a rooftop, which just happened to be the roof of the apartment she lives in.

We sat in silence for a while and I thought it's be best if I changed the subject on our minds.

"Stay right there."


I swung away and rummaged through my house for a measuring tape.

When I came back I was relieved she'd stayed put.

I stood before her and she took in a breath to say something to me but I interrupted her.

"Stand up." I ordered.

Hesitantly, she stood up.

"Arms out." She looked at me skeptically but did as I said.

I started to measure her and wrote down measurements on a pad of paper I'd also grabbed.

"Ok, thank you!" I smiled at her but the only way she could tell was my masks eyes.

"What in the world are you doing."

"You'll find out." I cheerfully said.

"Dude, it's extremely weird to randomly measure people. You should at least tell me what it's for."

"You'll see!" I swung away before she could ask more questions.

I dove into my room and immediately typed in the coordinates for HQ.

That was unnecessarily frustrating.

But totally worth it.

I was back in my room, sitting at my desk and rubbing my eyes. I looked at the spider suit in my hands.

It was quite honestly beautiful, and I knew it'd be even more stunning on    y/n.

I'd went to HQ and found the most experienced suit maker I knew so I could surprise her with an exact replica of her sketch. I didn't actually know them per say, and it took a lot of convincing for them to do it for me, but it was worth it. I just know she'll love it.

I looked at the time and groaned when I saw 3:09AM glowing at me.

I want to give it to her as soon as possible but, she might be mad at me if I wake her up and technically, I'm not supposed to know who she is. So, as nearly as I could, I folded her new suit and hid it under my bed.

Disappointed, exhausted and frustrated, I face planted onto my bed, and wiggled out of my suit and put on a hoodie.

That's when I hear something crinkling in the pocket.

I didn't really wanna look, I was too tired, but then I remembered I got this paper from y/ns room and all the curiosity flooded back.

I shifted my body weight to pull the paper out of the pocket and flipped onto my back. Slowly, so I don't rip it, I opened it.


I was even more confused when I read the paper. Why would y/n even have this?

I studied it more carefully but nothing answered any of the questions that were piling up.

...Does she.. think this? Is this how she sees herself..?

I continued to stare at it and eventually, my arms fell, my eyes shut and I drifted off...

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