Pavs POV

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Yallll look at this masterpiece like 🙀 they're both a little white washed, mostly Gayatri but idk, anyways back to the story

Seeing y/n like this did something to me.

The evening sun made her hair look like it was glowing and her glossy eyes glisten.

I know she's upset right now which just makes me feel more guilty but... I couldn't think of anything else...

All I wanted to do was hold her, make her feel better, pepper her with kisses, make her laugh- but... there was something in the back of my mind telling me not to.

I felt a strange possession over her. Like I needed to protect her. I'm sure she can take care of herself considering she's a spider person like me but I just- I can't help feel like this.

When she mentioned there was drama going on her life that she couldn't tell me about it just made me think of those girls who'd been laughing at her the other day.

Im almost positive they're the ones who wrote that note to her. Thinking about it made my blood boil. Y/n deserved to be treated like a goddess and anyone who didn't shouldn't even be allowed to talk to her.

In my mind, y/n was perfect. There were very few things in this world, no, multiverse that could make that perspective shift.

I couldn't handle the thought of y/n being so overwhelmed like this. I wanted her tell me so badly but I didn't want to push her or make her uncomfortable.

Gah, she was making it so hard to focus! It'd be so easy to just...

I didn't even notice how close to her I was or that I was looking at her lips but one single thought made me jump back.


My girlfriend.

My heart sank. It felt like it weight a ton.

Im such a terrible boyfriend how could I be doing this to her!

Panic set in and I rambled some lame excuse and swung away. I left. I left y/n when she needed someone.

Why did I have to be like this! Why couldn't I just be loyal! Why was it that whenever I was with y/n I forgot about everything else!? Including Gayatri.

I felt like crying. This was too overwhelming. I couldn't take this anymore.

I was at my house within minutes and I threw off my spider suit and hid under my bedsheets. Hiding was all I could do as of now. Words in my mind floated around me suffocating me. They felt so horrible and I deserved it. I'd betrayed someone I loved. I wanted to stay like this. To linger in this feeling. It's like it couldn't be bad enough.

What kind of man almost cheats? I'm not a man. I'm a boy. A small, selfish boy.

I grew up thinking you fall in love and everything stayed the same for forever. A happily ever after. So why did I feel this way for two girls? Was I even ever in love with Gayatri if I can feel this way about another girl? Am I terrible person? Is it bad that I want to go back and see her again..? Shouldn't I want to see Gayatri..?

No-! No I can't be thinking this. Poor Gayatri. She doesn't even know I'm being unfaithful. She deserves better.

My eyelids grew heavy as I was enlopped in the darkness of my sheets. It was eerily comfortable... cozy even. Something about feeling so terrible made me want to stay feeling this way.

Soon my eyes shut and I drifted off...

Sunday morning pulled me out of my sleep. I didn't wanna leave my room. I just wanted to lie in bed.

Usually when I felt down I'd go patrolling as Spider-Man but... she's there.

I'd probably run into her and apparently I can't be trusted around her. What if my thoughts didn't pull me out of that trance last night? Would I have kissed her..?

Would she.. kiss me back..?

I groaned into my pillow and forced myself to get out of bed. I'm sure getting up will make me feel better. Maybe last night was just.. a moment of weakness.

A strange need to make her feel better so I subconsciously resorted to kissing her.

...That wasn't very convincing. I wanted to make myself feel better about this but nothing I thought of actually worked.

I feel like... I actually just, like her. That sat right with me. Except for the reminder that I shouldn't like her poking me in the back of the head like a needle.

How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow and face her? What if I do something irrational? Ugh!

I let out a long sigh hoping the thoughts in my head would leave with it. I just wanted my mind to be empty.

My day went by so slow. Minutes felt like hours as my mind spiralled.

I tried to keep myself busy by helping my Auntie Maya clean the house but that didn't help whatsoever.

So I moved on to my studies but it was always in the back of my mind.

Occasionally I'd have a nice five minutes of silence as I studied but it was always interrupted.

Near late afternoon I sat at my desk with my head on the table. I finished my studies a couple hours ago and i tried going on my phone to distract myself but I got bored so I just lay here.

My phone then lit up and started vibrating.

Eager to distract my self I sat straight up and grabbed my phone. My breath hitches when I saw who was calling me.


Pav is so emo in this chapter 😭 sorry guys anyways I hope you're enjoying the story it feels kinda corny to me, anyway LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🫶

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