The Watch - Pavs POV

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This was not so easy. I just got thrown into a wall leave a huge crack on the side of someone's home. I felt terrible. I've never destroyed private property before. Someone would have to pay to get that fixed and I felt bad.

I didn't have time to apologize though. I was in a fight. A pretty serious one compared to my usual purse snatcher. I sling-shot myself towards my opponent. "YOU'VE GOT. SOMETHING. ON. YOU'RE. FACE!" I said in between huffs after getting my breath knocked out. My foot met his jaw as he flung backwards. Frustrated the man covered in hi-tech gear growled and yelled as he charged towards me. Panicked I quickly wrapped my bangle around him and started to spin in circles, swinging this guy all over the place. For my plan to work I'd have to do it quickly while he was still blinded by rage. I stopped spinning and whacked this guy into a wall crushing half his gear. I used my yo-yo to then pull me forward as I Leander back and hit him hard in the gut with both my feet. He doubled over giving me the perfect opportunity to web him up and leave a not for the police which was unnecessary since they were already there. I guess it was just a force of habit.

I started swinging back to find an alley to change in when I decided to first quickly apologize to the owner of the home wall I cracked. I knocked a couple times but no one answered so I left a note for them too. After all, auntie Maya says manners makes the man. Before I left I noticed my wrist was bare! I panicked. This is supposed to be where my watch that let's me travel through dimensions was meant to be! I searched all over the fight scene only to come back to the original home I was just at. There it was in the alleyway. I let out a long shaky sigh as I slipped it back on.


Sparks were coming of from it, it must've gotten damaged during the battle. I swung back home as quickly as possible and immediately started to work on fixing it.

Meanwhile in the alleyway:

An orange burst suddenly through out a girl, following a suit case and a dead spider.

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