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I'm probably rushing into how I feel about Pav way too fast, I thought. I sighed to myself frustrated with my repetition. I do this way too often. A guy is a little bit nice to me and I fall head over heals. Only to later find out he's not exactly the 'ideal' guy.

I decided to take the bus home. I didn't feel like walking again. Today wore me out and finding Pav had a girlfriend only added to the weight. I feel like I'm being a little melodramatic. He said I was his friend! I should be over joyed! My first day and I already made a friend. And a really good one too. I should just focus on being his friend. Right!...

I need to push this thought out of my head and just be friends. Sooner or later I'll get over my fascination and be glad I made this decision so early on. Good. Then it's settled.

I hopped if the bus, and happily walked into my home.

"How was school, maashooq (sweety)?" Auntie Aditi greeted me from the kitchen, "Did you have a good first day?"

"Well I did make a friend, but it was really hard, the school work I mean. The teachers went a little easy on me since I'm new but I still have a whole bunch of homework to do." I groaned as I made my way to the kitchen to grab a quick snack.

"School around here can be very trying but you get used to it! Don't worry you'll adjust." She reassured as she gave me a quick hug.

"Auntie.. I was thinking. What do I tell people when they ask me why I'm here?" My Auntie smiled at me slightly pitifully.

"Well... you can tell them that we're your foster parents for now. Would that be ok?" I could tell she was really trying to help. I don't exactly enjoy lying but it's not like I can tell people I got sucked through a portal. So far the only people I've told that to are my Uncle and Auntie. They were shocked but I think they believed me. If I told someone else they'd probably think that I'm mental. Besides, Auntie Aditi's idea was pretty good and made sense.

I thanked her and quickly went upstairs to torment myself with homework. I had no idea how I was gonna do this. This school pushed me twice as hard as my last one. And my mind kept blanking.

I decided to climb out my window and head to the roof. Maybe the fresh air will clear my head and help me focus. I grabbed my stuff and headed out up the stairs.

Nope. That did nothing. Ugh. How am I supposed to pass any of these classes. Disappointed that my idea failed I headed back to my room and lied in bed for a while. Ok new plan. I'm gonna go take a walk to the market. Auntie said she need some vegetables yesterday anyways so I could just pick them up for her. And that's be the perfect time to practice my Hindi. My Uncle said I should probably do that since we don't know how long I'll be here for. It wasn't a necessity since a lot of people spoke English especially at the market because of tourists, but it wouldn't hurt anyone.

I went downstairs and told Autie my idea and asked for some money to get her vegetables. She thought it was a good idea too and gladly handed me some rupees and a grocery list.

I took my time getting to the market. The weather was amazing and the sun was just beginning to set. I slowly breathed in the warm air and watched the clouds turn pink.

Apparently this made me the perfect target.

Just before I made it to the market, a man ran past me and grabbed my bag. I guess that was my bad for not having it around my neck but in the moment all I cared about was getting that bag back.

I bolted after him, heart pounding. I'd feel so bad if I'd lost the money Auntie gave me.

This guy must've been pretty slow because I caught up to him in no time. I pounced on him holding down his wrist and yanked my bag from his grip. Just as quickly I got up and glared at him. How dare he try to rob me. I felt super cool in the moment because the man scurried away, eyes wide.

I spun around to head back to the market only to see a guy off in the distance staring at me. He looked kinda silly. He was perched on the edge of a building wearing a bright red and blue suit. Honestly the suit was cool but it was the fact he was wearing one that was weird.

After a good long second he then swung away on some kind of bangle. Ok that's super weird. Was he some kind of superhero? Supervillain? Freaky.

I returned home with Aunties veggies and a question.


"Yes dear?" She replied without looking up, focused on making out dinner.

"I saw something really strange today," I paused for a response, "it was a man in some kind of suit."


"Do you know who he is?"

"Do you mean Spider-Man?" She said glancing up.

"Spider-Man?" I was beyond confused.

"Yes, he protects all of Mumbattan." I could tell Aunties thoughts were else where so I decided to leave her be. I headed up to my room and immediately looked him up.

There was a lot about him. He had quite the fan base. Apparently he was bitten by a spider and developed some kind of genetic superpowers.

I quickly got lost in a deep rabbit hole about Spider-Man. I thought he was so cool. I completely took back what I thought about him when I first saw him.

Before I knew it my eyes started to get sore and heavy. I heard my Uncle calling me from downstairs for dinner. Reluctantly, I put my phone down and head downstairs to eat.

I took the bus to school that day. I had stayed up late last night trying to do my homework after accidentally getting lost down another rabbit hole. I had basically gotten nothing done besides writing my name down on each page. I'd have to ask someone for help but I was too scared to ask a teacher and so far I only knew Pav was good at math.

I got off the bus and went straight to class, hoping to see Pav. I peaked inside the classroom and luckily for me I was right.

"PAV! Thank goodness! Are you any good at English, science-" I started listing off my classes using my fingers before Pav cut me off.


"You didn't even let me finish."

"You don't need to," he said very matter of factly before patting on my seat signalling me to sit down. "Why do you ask? Do you need help?"

"Only with the homework. I tried doing it last night but I almost died." He snickered and told me we'd work on it at lunch and that if we didn't finish it then I could come over to his house.

"Or we could go to yours if you want."

"Ummm.." I wanted to go to my house but I didn't want my Auntie to think we're dating. Even though I could tell her he has a girlfriend something tells me she wouldn't drop it. "I think your house is best but I'd have to make a quick stop at mine to let my Auntie know where I am. I don't want her to worry."

Pav smiled at my happily and agreed. And then I rembered.

"PAV! Do you know about Spider-Man!?"


"I just foundoutabouthim last night andhessocool!!" I started slurring my words but I didn't care. I was too excited to share my new fascination with my new friend!

"Wow you seem to really like this guy." Pav chuckled almost nervously. Maybe my obsession was a little off putting but  I still wasn't bothered by it.

I started to info dump everything I had learn about Spider-Man to Pav and with every other fact he either chuckled or looked taken aback. I thought it was cute how expressive he was being though and I appreciated that he was taking an interest with me.

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