Secrets - Pavs POV

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I couldn't catch my breath.

My eyes are sore from staring at the ceiling as I let numb on my bed.

Y/n is a spider-person. Like me. She's from another dimension. Ok. This is perfectly normal. I deal with stuff from other dimensions all the time.

But this one has an emotional connection.

My heart was thudding. How am I supposed to act normal around y/n now? She doesn't know that I know. Knowing me I'll probably do something stupid and she'll find out I know, and then she'll know that I'm Spider-Man!

...would that be such a bad thing though?

The rants inside my head were stressing me out. I need to burn my energy somehow.

My brain is completely useless at this point. All I can think about is y/n...


This was so obvious!

The best way to stop thinking about her is to end the night on better terms with her! I'm such a genius.

I smirk to myself, proud of my idea and jump out of bed and leaned over the stair banister to call down to my Auntie Maya.

"Auntie! Can I hang out with Y/n?" Please say yes, please say yes, pleeeeassse....-

"You may, Pavitr, but come here and let me give you a kiss first okay?" She said looking up at me from the ground floor.

I beamed at her, quickly grabbed my backpack from my room and practically jumped down the stairs.

My Auntie held my face with both hands and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Mmmmmmwah!" She said dramatically, "pavitr?" She then used her strict voice with me. "Be good." She then smiled at me and let me go as I headed out the door.

"Bye Auntie, I love you!" I rushed the words as I ran out. I got a few steps before stopping in my tracks. I didn't even ask y/n if I can come over.

This would be so embarrassing if she said no...

I anxiously pulled at my phone and messaged her.


I waited a minute, which felt like an eternity, and I saw the thinking bubble show up.

I silently prayed she'd say yes.

Sure :)

Oh thank goodness-

My pace picked up immediately and i quickly was at y/ns house, eagerly knocking on the door.

I heard a muffled, "I got it!" from inside and was soon greeted by a familiar grin.

"I was just in the neighborhood and wondered if this lovely home happened to have chai inside?" I love teasing y/n. She always gives the funniest face as she tries not to laugh. It's really cute..

She sucked in through her teeth and pretended to wince "sorry, this households all out." She gave a 'too bad so sad shrug' and laughed, letting me in.

I couldn't help but smile at her. She'd been the only thing occupying my thoughts a bit ago and now that I was here, looking at her, my head was completely empty. No thoughts whatsoever. I just stood there and smiled like an idiot.

She raised her eyebrows at me and grinned, "I assume the date with Gayatri went well?"

"Wha- ...?"

"You've got the goofiest smile so I'm assuming Gayatris the cause."

"Oh-! Yes, sorry. Haha.. it did go well, thanks." Why do I sound like that, it's so... awkward..

Y/n seemed unaffected by the way I was acting. She just, kept smiling as she led me into the kitchen to make us chai, since I was better at making it.

She's so beautiful.


I made a confused face at the tea pot as I thought about, well, what I just thought.


Y/ns voice brings me back to reality. I fix the weird expression that I was making and turned around to look at her, giving my best smile. It was a weak one though because I was still a bit confused. I didn't feel like talking so I just hummed in response, letting her know I was ready for her question.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me about your date with Gayatri.. I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable about that stuff with me."


I shook my head slightly to comprehend what she'd said.

I laughed as I spoke "what? No! That's not what happened you don't have to feel sorry," my smile was more genuine now, "I actually uh.. heheh... forgot about my date with Gayatri. That's why I didn't tell you." I winced a little at how terrible of a boyfriend I am. Y/n probably thinks poorly of my now.

I glanced at her with a scrunched and regretful face.

Again, she raised her eyebrows at me and started to laugh. This made my face get a little tighter.

Oh boy. I'm about to get a mouthful from her, guaranteed.

"Pav! I can't believe you forgot about a date with 'the love of your life'!" She mocked me by batting her eyes and making a overly dramatic lovesick voice.

"Well a lot happened today-"

"It's fine Pav, I'm not gonna ridicule you," she was trying not to laugh, I could tell. "Maybe just don't tell her."

I gave a small smile, "yeah..." i chuckled, "probably shouldn't."

The tea kettle started whistling, giving me the perfect excuse to turn away. It's hard to tell when I blush but my facial expressions said it all; I was very embarrassed to have admitted I forgot about the date.

"I got it, you can just head up stairs and I'll bring it up." Y/n offered.

"Oh, ok" I was a little confused but I complied and headed upstairs for her room.

I sat on her bed swinging my feet when I saw a crumpled up piece of paper next to her trash.

She probably threw it, missed, and was too lazy to pick it up. It sounds like something she'd do.

I picked up the paper to throw it out but I hesitated.

Curiosity surged through me.

Aaaaww, I reeeeally wanna see what on it!!

No. I shouldn't. I'd be invading her privacy.

Buuuut I'll die if I don't. I'll be so obsessed with what it could've been.

Like a love note for someone, or a sketch she hated. If it's a sketch I doubt it's that bad. She seems to be really good.

Or what if,

What if it's something to do with her spider powers, like she wrote down what she can do!??


Curiosity was eating at me. I had to know.

Oh shoot-

I heard footsteps on the stairs.

My heart thumped and I'm a moment of fear, and how desperate I was to know what it was, I shoved it in my backpack.

...that was really dumb.

But it's too late now. Y/n was walking in with our chai.

I could feel sweat rolling down my back.

"Ok, so I tried something new and I wanna know what you think." She said handing me my chai, smiling, proud and expectant.

I took the chai and looked at her skeptically. "You put something in my tea?... are you poisoning me or something??"

"Ha, ha. No. Now try it!"

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now