The kiss

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..."can I kiss you?"

The blood rushed to my face. What in the world was going on? I barely knew Spider-Man and I doubt he knows me very well. Why would he want to kiss me!?

None of this however took away my desire to say yes. yes. YES, obviously I want him to kiss me. Half the girls in India probably do. Maybe he's a player, maybe he knows half the girls in India want him... no. That can't be right. Sure, I don't know him well but I know him enough. The Spider-Man I know is caring, energetic, empathetic, brave, confidant, kind. Every possible positive trait. He's not some manipulative playboy, even if he has the potential to be.

Through his masked eyes I saw worry, anxiety and regret build up. He was nervous. HE was nervous about MY hesitance. Spider-Man, THE Spider-Man, truly does want me to say yes too. I could tell he was fighting back running away. I felt it when his arms stiffened, his body shutting down in fear of what he's done- or rather, said. I was making this nerve wracking and embarrassing for the both of us. But for some reason it was so hard to speak.

I looked at the boy in front of me slowly turning into stone as I felt my lips part, my head screaming at me to say something. Anything. I felt my ears burning and my heart was beating more like a bullet with every passing moment. Yes. Say yes. nod your head. Do something!

I'm not entirely sure it was me who made my head nod. It was like I was no longer in control of my body. But I wasn't against it. I'd finally given him what he wanted. A sign. The ok to go forward.

He flashed a relieved smile letting out a breath I'm not sure he even knew he was holding. His fingers moved slightly on my waist, caressing it, reminding me they were there making my skin burn.

One hand moved up along my back until it found my neck. My eyes fluttered and if my breath wasn't already shaky it definitely was now.

I watched almost in slow motion as he leaned in... his lips parted, his thumb tilted my chin up, my eyes fluttered...

I was in a whirlwind. The only time I've ever enjoyed being dizzy. I didn't even notice my lips had parted too until they connected with his.

I wanted to melt on the spot- melt with him. I could feel his skin was just as hot as my own and his lips were softer than I'd originally imagined. My hand on his arm tightened, only a little, and my thumb caressed the muscle of his arm.

He sighed as I did and pulled me closer by moving his hand on my waist to the small of my back, our bodies pressing up against one another.

My brows knit together trying to memorize this, memorize him. His lips, his taste, his touch...

It took everything inside me to not groan the more I thought about it.

His breath was heavy and hot, speeding up the longer we stayed connected. He tilted his head and his lips started to move more. My eyes fluttered open and I dug my fingers into his arm.

He groaned.

Groaned into my mouth, vibrating my lips. My heart stopped continuing afterward on triple speed.

He sounded so good.

His hand that had moved to my back went back to my waist and squeezed. He seemed so eager, so desperate. It only made this all the better.

A sound of my own slipped out as I hummed softly, our lips making more sound as they pulled apart and came right back together.

One of my hands slipped up from his arm into his hair, intertwining and balling it into a fist only to elicit yet another groan.

Both his hands traveled down to my hips, pulling me closer once again. Our bodies were already pressed up against each other, but with each effort he tried to pull me in closer it felt like he was trying to mold our bodies as one.

All too soon, the kisses slowed down. He planted a couple more before resting his forehead on mine, panting.

He grinned, and the grin turned into a chuckle. He brought his hand back up and caressed my cheek and kissing my nose.

All I could do was stare back at him and take it all in.

He's was so beautiful...

And I could hardly believe that had just happened...

He softly gave me one last hug that I quickly reciprocated. I started to laugh softly too. I buried my face into his shoulder and kissed it as he caressed my hair.

Asking me to remember anything before this would be asking too much. My mind was blank. All I could do was replay his kiss over and over again.

I sighed contentedly and twirled his hair in my finger slightly.

"I have to go.." he whispered, shattering the peace I felt. "But I'll be back. Tomorrow. I promise." He was smiling sweetly at me as he pulled back, even kissed my cheek and I couldn't help but smile again. I felt so stupid for not saying anything but I couldn't.

And just like that he was swinging out my window giving me a little heart with his hand as he disappeared...

YOU GUYS 😭 I'm so sorry. This took FOREVER to publish. PLEEEEEEASE tell me if this is any good or give some writing suggestions cuz the more I write the more I cringe

ABYWAYS even though i temporarily got milk IM BACK 😁 cuz mama loves you guys 🫶 (💀)

Also sorry it's super short

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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