What Is Going On!?

911 21 15

I didn't get much sleep last night. How could I have been so... stupid!

I wish I'd just die right here. I wanted the sheets of my bed to eat me alive. There's no way I'll be able to focus in school.

I groaned as I rolled out of bed, allowing myself to flop onto the floor.

"You alright up there?" I heard my Auntie calling from downstairs.

"Uhuh!" I grumbled into my blanket.

I lay there for a good while before giving in to the inevitable. Only, when I stood up, my blanket followed.

"Wha-" I pushed and kicked my blanket in a failing attempt to escape.

"Get offa me!" I hissed at the blanket.

The more I tried to get it off, the more it clung to me.

"Uggggghh!!" I collapsed to the floor once again, kicking at my blanket. I got up again and tugged as hard as I could to rip it off.

...it.. kinda worked.

I stood there, astounded, staring at half my blanket in my hand, and th other half still clinging to my body.

Defeated, I shuffled to my door to ask my Uncle for some help. He was pretty strong and he hasn't headed if to work yet so maybe he would have some luck.

Just as I turned the knob the blanket both stuck in my hand and clinging to my body, fell to the ground.

My eyes bugged out as I stared at what had once been, what I thought, permanently stuck to me.

Okayyy. That's different.

I shrugged it off, turning back to my dresser to put on my uniform.


Oh great. Wincing, I slowly turned around to see that I had ripped of my door handle, and evidently, the other one fell to the floor. I looked at my hand that still held the door knob.


"Everythings fine Auntie- um- it was just my uh, my books! I knocked them off my desk!"

I kept staring at the knob stuck in my hand. It felt like my whole world was spinning. I shook my hand trying to flick it off but of course, it was stuck too.

Ok. This is not my priority right now. I need to get to school. I figure this out later.

I struggled to put my uniform on with a door handle in my hand but I had to get through the struggle.

Not my priority.

This ran through my head over and over again as I stuffed my knob hand in my pocket and ran out the door.

SHOOT! I forgot my lunch. I quickly pulled out my phone for the time. Ok I'll just buy some food at the cafe, I do NOT have time for this.

I'd already missed the bus so I had to book it to school.

Ohthankgoodness. Just on time.

I headed to class and slumped in my chair, with a very nervous yet conserved Pav glancing at me.

"You alright?" He whispered, but the bell had just rang.

I pulled out my notebook and ripped out a page.
Pav's POV (back to this morning)

I didn't sleep much last night. I was really confused and nervous and honestly scared.

Last night y/n had kissed me.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now