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I didn't really sleep last night.

Who ever sent me this must've known it's have a big impact on me. Why else would they?

I felt so torn.

I don't want to make Gayatri hate me but Pavitr deserves to know.

All this stress was getting to me. My eyes welled up but I blinked them back. I cannot cry right now.

I got out of bed to get ready for school but paused. It's Saturday. Great..... wait no this is a good thing!

I quickly get dressed and bolted to Gayatri's house. I need answers and she's the only person who should break the news to Pav...

I knock on her door. I'm sure she probably wakes up early every day being a model and all. I didn't even bother message her before hand.

I hear a commotion from inside the home.

The door opened and a saw a large man standing before me.

"Yes?" He grunted.

Fear flooded my mind. Why was I so nervous? Gayatri did something she shouldn't have. I'm doing the right thing!.. right?

I felt my heart pounding as blood rushed to my head. With each thump I heard the more of a nervous wreak I became. I tried desperately to act normal. I took a quick breath and looked at the tall man before me.

"Is uh-..." I cleared my throat, "is Gayatri home..?"

The man looked at me momentarily, I felt like I was being studied. Judged.

"how do you know her?" His voice was deep and loud and did not help with my nerves at all.

I took another shaky breath, desperately wanting to sound normal.

"I meet her through Pavitr... Prabhakar.."

Recognition flickered in the man's eyes but I could tell he was still skeptical. And he has every right to be. I mean, his daughter is a model. She must have fans trying to get a hold of her constantly. Guess one of them did... the picture of her kissing that guy popped back into my mind and I felt furious. All my nerves wiped away as I remembered why I was here-

"She's not home right now, she's with a friend. You can wait here for her." The way this man was acting felt more like a body guard than a dad... I wonder if he's always like this..?

He stepped aside letting me in and escorted me to the living room. Once I was seated he left me there alone. I looked around feeling nervous again. Her family seemed well off. Not rich but they definitely had more money than middle class.

I tried to distract myself as my feelings bundled up. I really liked Gayatri.. I can't believe she betrayed Pav like that...

My knee bounced and i twiddled my thumbs. The more time passed the more nervous and regretful I became. What if I read too far into this? What if that guy advanced on her and she didn't have time to react? What if that picture was taken out of context? Then again... what if she and Pav break up..? Is that a terrible thought? Am I just being selfish..? What if they did break up and didn't tell anyone..?..

Time couldn't pass any slower. I could hear her family in another room speaking Hindi quietly. I don't think her dad trusts me very much. I'd be surprised if he hadn't noticed how nervous I am by now.

Finally, Gayatri comes home after what felt like a millennium, but what was likely just about 15 minutes later.

I stood up from the couch, waiting for her to notice me, which she does.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now