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I feel like this chapter is super cheesy so sorry I'm advance 🙏
I'll hopefully be posting a new chapter by July 11th at the latest. Enjoy :)

I really need a better sleeping schedule. I spent all of last night practicing sticking and unsticking to random stuff in my room.

I think I got the hang of it. I was now able to stick to things without thinking of something really stressful. It was like a muscle and I fully intended on making it stronger.

This couldn't have happened just randomly. There must have been something to trigger my newfound ability.

I feel like maybe it was the portal. I mean, I did feel super sick after I got out, and since then it's like my senses have been on crack.

When I first got here, I didn't think much of it. It was probably just my new environment. But I don't think being exposed to new things gives you superpowers.

So yes, I'm pretty sure it was the portal.

I probably should've noticed these changes earlier on but my time here hasn't really been stressful in anyway so how could I?

I wanted to jump out of bed and run out the door so bad. I couldn't wait till lunch again. But I was still pretty sore and sleep deprived so when I sat up really fast, I got hit by a wave of multiple different feelings. The most noticeable one being a terrible headache.

As I walked to school I decided it was best I didn't tell anyone about my unusual situation. I really wanted to tell Pav but I knew it'd be a bad idea in the long run.

If I did become some kind of superhero like Spider-Man, people would target Pav and the last thing I wanted was for Pav to get hurt because of me.

Spider-Man! Of course! Who better to show me the ropes than him!

Sure, we might have different abilities but maybe they were similar. I was hoping for the latter.

I sat down at my seat and started at Pav, barely concealing my excitement.

Then I remembered I couldn't tell him so I slumped back down.

"You okay?"

I hummed in acknowledgement because I knew that if I opened my mouth, all my secrets would come pouring out. This was killing me!!

Pav didn't look like he believed me but he went along with anyways.

Right when he turned away he jumped up.

"Oh shoot! Sorry y/n I gotta run! I forgot I promised to meet someone this morning! I'll be right back!!"
(Gwen's bringing him a new watch because the last one doesn't work as well as it used too)

He said running out the class.

I started to doodle costume ideas when a weird buzzing feeling ran up from my spine to my head.

Instinctively I turned around and caught a paper ball in my hand. Whaaaat...?

I didn't even see that thing coming, how did I catch it.

Well that's pretty cool.

I looked up from my hand to my desk to see a girl sitting on it. She must've thrown it at me and sat there while I was busy staring at it.

She leaned in close before hissing, "I don't know who you think you are, but stay away from Pavitr." And then she got up like she didn't just invade my personal space.

I watched her walk away, completely speechless. What did I just witness. Was I supposed to feel threatened?

I look back down to the crushed paper ball in my hand. I carefully started to unfold it.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now