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Ok guys so we're not there yet but I wanna know what you guys want from this. Personally I feel like Pavitrs the kind of person who prefers wholesome activities but like in the comments tell me what you guy want you don't have to use just emojis you could also  explain but for those who don't wanna explain here's the guideline:

wholesome kisses= 🍽

heated makeout= 🥤

borderline smut but still appropriate (basically they jus keep their clothes on)= 🍟

smut= 🍔

Considering he's like 17 it feels a little weird to write smut about him but if its what you guys want then i'll do it, it's completely up to you guys.

I'll probably delete this after around 20-40 comments, I doubt I'll get many but if its still here, even if there's other chapters pls still vote cuz its gonna take a while before we get to anything intense. 

Thank you 💓

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now