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I've been buzzing with excitement all day. I couldn't wait to have my tutor session with Pav!

We tried working on at lunch but I got really frustrated and the papers started sticking to me so we decided to take a break.

I rush outside to see an equally happy Pav, just outside the doors.

"Y/n! Ok so I made some flash cards when I had extra time in my last class, and lucky for us I always carry around my stickers!" I chuckled at how cute it was that Pav always has stickers with him. Why'd he even need stickers? I guess I'll just have to find out. "I just have to wait for Gayatri to let her know what's going on and maybe walk her home. Is that ok?"

Right. His girlfriend. I hated that I felt this way about her. She seemed so nice and I'm sure she'd be a great friend too but I just couldn't get over this annoyed feeling every time I heard her name.

"Not at all!" This could be the perfect time to try to get over my jealousy. Maybe after that we could all hang out more often!

Right on que, Gayatri turned a corner and rushed over to give her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek. Egh.

"Y/n!!!" She then pounced on me giving me a tight hug. How in the world could I ever not like this girl.

"Gayatri, y/n needs some help with her homework so I offered to tutor her. We were gonna head over to her house now so maybe you could come with us till we get to your house?"

The loving smile on Pavitrs face melted my heart. I knew he'd probably never look at me like that. Gayatri is the luckiest girl in the world. Sadness started to fill up inside of me. I felt like a water balloon about to burst.

The walk to Gayatri house felt so long. I listened to the couple talk and giggle with one another. Was I really this selfish? So selfish that I couldn't even be happy for Gayatri? I was so ashamed. I felt like a home wrecker- taking Pav from her. It's not like that's what I was trying to do and it's not like I ever could. Pav is way too loyal and I am not that kind of person.

"What about you y/n?" Gayatris words snapped me back to reality.

"Huh?" I looked up from the ground to see both of them looking at me intrigued.

Gayatri giggled before adding, "Pav says that blues' his colour but I think he looks better in green." Green? What? no. Blue was obviously his colour. Blue made his warm skin look so radiant and full of life. Green would dull him out.

"Um... blue..?" I said looking up from my furrowed brows.

"AHA! Tooold you!" Pav sang in victory. "Y/n gets me" he said as he wrapped his arm around my neck. Flustered I look back at the ground hoping no one would notice how red I'd gotten.

"She's just taking your side cuz she knows you better" Gayatri said playfully. She didn't seem to care her boyfriend had his arm around me.

She stuck her tongue out at him and skipped away as run up to her and picked her up from behind.

"H-HEY!" Is what she barely managed to get out in between laughter.

We soon made it to Gayatris home and they kissed goodbye. Pav looked like he was on cloud nine. I was happy that he was happy. I can at least do that.

The walk to Pavitrs' apartment was quiet but peaceful. We didn't need to talk to have a good time together.

Just outside his home we came across a stray dog. It was adorable in a shaggy kind of way. He just sat there looking up at us, panting in a way that looked like he was smiling at us.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now