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What did she mean not today? What was wrong with Pavitr? I needed to see him. Make sure he's ok.

"He's not in the mood for visitors" she frowned emphatically. I could see in her eyes the putty she had for me. She could tell how much I wanted to she him. I could also tell she wouldn't be telling me why he won't see me.

"Oh... ok.. well-.. could you maybe tell him I stopped by?" My heart felt shattered. I felt like crying. He didn't want to see me? I get it's not me in specific but it still hurts...

His aunt nods and closes the door. I didn't know what to do. I can't go home... I physically couldn't. I just stood there dumbfounded. Staring at the closed door.

I wish id at least turned around to go because ten seconds later the door opened the door again looking at me surprised. My face flushed and for some reason I decide waving would break the tension. It only made me feel more uncomfortable.

"Oh-! Just who I was looking for." This time she smiled at me, genuinely. "Pavitr just told me he's ok with seeing you!" She moved aside gesturing me inside. She seemed very cheery- likely taking this as some kind of sign he's feeling better, whatever it is that's got him down.

I was a bit shocked that she even opened the door again but after only a quick pause I went inside.

"He's in his room. Do you want anything before you head up?"

"Um- no thanks..." I give her a quick nervous smile before slowly climbing the stairs.

My heart thumped in my ears and my chest rose and fell quickly with silent breaths. Why was I so nervous?

I stood outside his door. I couldn't bring myself to knock it. I was scared. Scared of what might be wrong with him. Scared he might change his mind and kick me out. Scared to be around him at all.

I'm not afraid of him. He's too sweet for that. I was just suddenly nervous to be near him.

I take a breath to calm myself and knock on his door. From the other side I hear a mumble of what I assume was a 'come in'.

I cracked the door open peeking in my head. "Pavitr?.."

A sad balled up body was curled under his sheets and it heaved when he sighed.

"Yyyy/nn" he whined.

He sounded so distressed. A maternal feeling washed over me. As of this moment all I wanted was to make him feel better. Console him.

Gayatri must've told him...

I sigh empathetically and slid in through the door closing it lightly behind me. I sat next to him on the edge of his bed and put a comforting hand on his arm. He looked over his shoulder at me with a broken heart.

"Hey, what's the matter?" I used a soft voice wanting to be as gentle as possible with him. He seemed so fragile like this.

He sniffled and turned over completely to face me. "Y/n......" he pouted, eyes darting from the floor to my eyes. "Gaya.... She broke up with me" his eyes paused looking deep into mine. I frown with sympathy. I moved my hand from his arm to brush his hair out his face the rest it on his cheek caressing it with my thumb.

I didn't know what to say. All I could do was try and show him some kind of affection and hope it makes him feel better.

Our eye contact lingered. His knitted eyebrows softened at my touch.

He looked so breakable- like a porcelain doll.

Which only made my blood boil for Gayatri. She did this. Yes, she had to break up with him or give up her side thing and tell him about it- but something told me he was in the dark about her cheating. He must think he just wasn't good enough for her.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now