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(Guys I lost track of what day it is in the story 💀)

The next day, Pavitr didn't come to school again. He did text me though, on and off during school.

Except, only during my time between classes and lunch. He told me he wanted me to focus on school.

Which made me smile at my phone like a dork of course.

I wanted to see him immediately after school again but I didn't want to ask my auntie or uncle before I left for school. I didn't want to push their boundaries on day one with their new and frankly first rule.

I rushed home the second the bell rang- snaking my way though the crowd.

Today wasn't entirely ideal, but replaying last night helped a lot.

I tried not to linger on the idea of how I was probably blushing all day.

One thing did become crystal clear to met today however. Pavitrs' the one for me. There's nothing I want more than to hold him in my arms again. Just the thought of it made me smile to myself.

Aadihila gave me a few ugly looks mixed in with fake smiles today but I couldn't be bothered to care.

Not with him so fresh in my memory.

I burst through the front door of my house and gave my auntie and uncle a quick hug before running upstairs.

They flashed confused and stunned looks but didn't stop me. Which was good. I'd be asking permission to go to Pav's later soon anyways I just wanted to change out of my uniform.

I tossed my backpack in the corner of my desk, knocking over my laundry hamper making my uniform from last night tumbled out.

Nothing could hide my flustered nostalgic smile when I looked at it.

Laying in bed for so long had crinkled it- each crease making me think of him.

The way he nuzzled into my neck, put his arm around me, mumbled into my skin..Words can't describe how badly I wanted and still want to kiss him...

I a prickly feeling traveled across my body leaving a blush in its trail.

I slipped out my uniform and just tossed it on the floor by the basket. I'd clean it up a bit later.

I quickly threw on some of my regular clothes- but my nicer regular ones. I hate to admit it but I wanted to look good for Pavitr.... Incredibly corny but it was true.

I may or may not have gotten distracted in the bathroom for a good five minutes too. I was brushing my teeth. What can I say I don't want him thinking I have bad breath.

I made a silent promise to myself I wouldn't tell anyone how much effort I was putting into checking up on Pavitr.

I head to my room and had a little mini fashion show in front of my mirror. And to be fair, who hasn't gotten distracted by their reflection before?

I didn't change again, but for the sake of my pride let's say I was double checking my outfit looked good from all angles.

...that's when I felt the now familiar tingle dance up my spine.

My Spidey sense.

Although I knew something was behind me I still jumped when I turned around and saw a man.

Not just any man though.

One of my favourite men, sitting on the sill of my window.

...I guess checking on Pav could wait...

"Scare ya?"

I had to physically withhold my eye roll as I smiled at him.

"You wish." I stuck my tongue out at him folding my arms. Geez. I'm so cringy under pressure.

He gestured his hand inside asking to come in. I nod and I was gonna meet him halfway but somehow my feel felt planted in place. Like the floor had taken control of my motor control and swallowed me up.

He walked up to me and when I thought he'd stop- he kept walking, surprising me, and making me flustered.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me upward.

Unexpected but not unpleasant. I loved it really. He was so warm... his arms so firm around me... I snapped out of it and pulled a bit back though.

I held his arms, which were... so toned I felt my head heat up a bit. "You okay? What's the hug for?" I chuckle trying desperately to keep my cool.

"Missed you!" He said it so simply, not even hesitating. Did he seriously just.. miss me? Was I missable..?

I grinned at the thought. Maybe it was lonely being Spider-Man. Maybe I was the only person he had right now... I mean I am the only other spider-person here.

Regardless, my head progressively got hotter as the heat spread down to my arms.

"Awww, you're too sweet. But seriously, you okay..?"

"I should be the one asking you if you're okay. One of the last times I saw you, you were pretty upset," oh right. I forgot all about that.. "wanna tell me what's up?"

I shook my head smiling, "I'm okay now. The drama has subsided." His mask eyes squinted telling me it was something he was happy to hear.

"...sorry I've been absent lately btw.." He looked down seemingly ashamed.

"Yeah I was gonna ask you about that but I felt like it was probably personal.... Y'know... if you ever wanna talk... I'm here." I tilted my head to try and get him to look at me.

"Yeah... I can't really talk about it. Sorry. ...y/n?"


"..." He looked at me a bit and pulled up his mask half way. I then became aware of how we were holding each other again. My face got hot and I desperately tried to cling to a calm demeanour.

He leaned down way close.

Oh man.

There goes my self respect.

He paused hovering over my lips. He wet his lips as they hung open slightly. I felt dizzy. I had to bite my lips to stop myself from whimpering.

I felt his hot breath hit my lips and I couldn't handle it. I was way too excited for my own good. I felt my muscles all tense and his hold on me became softer.

"...y/n..?" He whispered. I shivered. I need him so much. He has to know what he's doing to me. There's no way he doesn't.



It took so long for me to post this guys, idk I litterally had it done and in my drafts for like two months... whoopsie!

also im on my computer rn so idk how to blod this but whatever TOODLES!!

ALSO though, my note for this book are getting so good like... im shocked with myself. we have pre-sleep ideas to thank for that.

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