New Spider In Town

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All I could feel was my heart in my throat.

My whole body was on lock down.

Right in front of me was an orange portal that sucked me out of my home.

I shouldn't be as scared as I am. This portal is the reason I have my Auntie and Uncle and Pav. Good things happened because of this thing.

But I was still scared. And confused. Did Spider-Man make me come here? He looks like he's able to control it. What were we about to do? Where's he trying to take me?

He watched me and although I can't see his face, I swear he was holding back a laugh.

He started walking towards it, dragging me behind, but before I knew it I'd wiggled out of his grasp and ran away.

I don't know where I'm going but I do know I am not going into that... thing.

I heard Spider-Man call out something but he didn't pursue me.

I landed on the roof of my apartment building desperately trying to catch my breath. I wasn't tired from running away or even jumping off that building and climbing this one. I was scared.

Maybe Spider-Man can't be trusted. He didn't even try to tell me where he was taking me.

I felt my body tense when I heard him land on top the building.

Shoot. Did I just give away where I live?

He was silent for a while. I didn't even turn to look at him. We just stood there while he gathered his thoughts.

"...are you..okay?"


"I'm fine."


He stepped a little closer.

"You don't seem fine."


"I'm sorry if I scared you with the whole portal thing," he continued, "I've never really taken anyone through one before. I just figured it was the best place to take you to try and figure things out."

"Where does it go?" I asked, giving in and turning around.

"Well, I had it set on HQ. It's a place where spider people go, but the watch can take you... further than that."

"There's others?"

"There's a lot more than just the two of us." He said chuckling. He then reached up for his mask and pulled it off.

"AAH!" I buried my face into my hands as quickly as possible. "What are you doing!!" I yelled, still not looking at him.

"Oh, sorry. But it's not really necessary for us to hide our identities from each other. I'll put it back on if it makes you more comfortable."

I nodded into my hands and peaked through my fingers as I heard him put his mask back on.

"... Can I ask why you were so scared..?"

I explained to him how a week ago, the same portal opened up in my room and brought me here.

"It sounds stupid when I say it out loud."

I waited for a response but he just stared at me.

"That must mean you're from another dimension! It makes so much more sense now!"

"A- what-?!"

"The portal makes it so that you can travel through different dimensions, and HQ, the place I was talking about before, is where all kinds of different spider-people from across the universe come together!"

Different dimensions!? My brain was practically exploding from information overload.

"This is way to weird for me-"

"Well if you want we can talk about something else until you can process it. Do you have any idea what you want your superhero name to be!? Or a costume design!?"

Spider-Man was practically buzzing with excitement while I just stood there like an idiot.

Oh wait! Costume design! Yeah I have some of those!

"Stay right there!" I started to run off but then slowly turned around. "Um, could you close your eyes... and plug your ears maybe..?" It was already pretty obvious I lived here but I didn't want to give away anymore information about myself.

He happily complied and I ran off to my room to grab my sketchbook.


"Here." I said tapping his shoulder to let him know I was back.
Pav's POV

I have a new spider friend! This was so exciting!! And the best part was, this one lives in my dimension!

Behind all my excitement there was something gnawing at me.

I kept getting such a familiar feeling with this new person. I couldn't exactly put my finger on it and it was slowly killing me that I couldn't pin point this.

I felt my new friend tap on on my shoulder as she handed me an open sketchbook.

"Please do not turn the page, this is the only one with my costume design." Normally I would've laughed at her sternness, but I can't cheat was clenched so tight I couldn't breath.

It was uncanny how familiar this sketch was.

I couldn't place it either though. But something about this drawing was really pushing at my brain.

I'd seen this before.

I saw y/n drawing it in class.

This is the same building y/n lives in.

Y/n just moved here last week.
Y/n's POV

Disappointed flooded inside me. Spider-Man didn't say anything when I showed him my sketch. I really wanted his approval. I mean he's the only Spider-person I know so he's the only opinion I care about right now.

"Is it bad?" You could hear the dismay in my voice. I felt like I already knew the answer.

"What- no! It's really good! Super creative. And you're really good at drawing too! I love it!"

His sudden blurt made me feel a lot better and I also felt my face flush at the comments. Thank goodness I was wearing this ridiculous mask.

I could tell he was embarrassed that he yelled that so I decided to end the night and save him the misery.

"I should probably head back now Spider-Man. See you later for that training session?"

"YES! Uh- ehem yes... GOODNIGHT!"

And like that he was gone, swinging as fast as he possibly could.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now