Need Help?

530 14 16

Trying to do my homework was far more than difficult. All I could do was worry over pavitr.

If his heart broke I knew mine would too.

What I needed right now was a distraction but that was near impossible.

A moment later I was proven wrong.

The familiar muffled thump on my window sill made my stomach flutter.

I turn around and smile seeing him stand over me behind my desk.


He leaned down his mask already half pulled up and he smiled right back.

"Hello~" he whispered back playfully making my ears feel like they were in heaven.

"What owes me the honour of the Spider-Man paying me a visit?" I tease with a persistent smile overcoming my smirk.

"Just- making a quick pit-stop to see my favourite fan~" He looked over at my shoulder to my desk studying my almost completely blank homework. "Struggling?" His voice was dripping with a teasing tone successfully making my chest squeeze.

There was no way I could know this but he was actually coming over before he saw Gayatri. Me ignoring him at school made him feel like the only way he'll be able to see me again is as Spider-Man.

I looked back at my work and looked at it with distain.

"Yeah actually.." I was about to ask him if he knew anything about what was on the page, but he spoke first.

"Y'know, you need someone who's really smart and well practiced. Maybe someone you know would be willing to help~" He tilted his head to look at me his lips twisted in a playful smirk.

I smirked right back deciding to tease back.

"You're so right. My friend Pavitr very smart. Thanks!" I pat his chest as a thank you gesture and pull out my phone not actually planning to message Pav, I just wanted to you with Spider-Man.

I snickered under my breath when I saw his expression falter.

He cleared his throat before he responded.

"Uh- who's Pavitr?" He flashed an awkward smile and put a hand on my desk leaning on it, shifting his wait a lot as if he couldn't stay still. After a couple positions he settled on just standing next to me with folded arms and a hand on the bottom half of his face.

"A friend." I smiled enjoying being able to make him so awkward so fast.

"Cool cool cool-... so would uh- would you rather him help you..?"

"Well he's busy today so I'll have to find another smart guy. Know any?"
I smirk teasingly, drinking in his expression. I might've been enjoying this too much.

He looked around as if he'd find someone then gave me a shrug with an adorable smile.

"Oh well, that's too bad." I poured in a disappointed frown which was soon broken by a smile I couldn't hide. "Say, you're pretty smart aren't you Spider-Man? Wanna help me?"

"Ooohh well I don't know. I could try, but no promises. I mean, I'm no Pavitr." He smirked at me and if I didn't know better I'd say he knew more than he was letting on.

I chuckled, which sounded more like a giggle than I'd like to admit and I handed him my pencil.

"Alright then Einstein, show me what you got." He smiled and took the pencil and shifted so he was back to standing behind me. He gently put his left hand on my left shoulder and leaned over my right, writing something to help me but I wasn't paying attention. All I could think about was the heat of his chest on my shoulder. The feeling of his firm hand on my shoulder.

I felt my face flush and I hoped and prayed he wouldn't notice.

When he finished writing whatever it was to help me he turned his neck to look at me and his smile made me melt. He was so proud of himself for helping me. It was so cute.

Not just that, our faces were really close. This has been the second time we've ever been this close.

I didn't even have to try and I could smell him. His smell was so distinct and the only way I could describe it would be a warm day. Like a meadow under a hot sun. Whatever it was he smelt like, it gave the same feeling as curling up in bed with the sun shining on your face mid-afternoon. I shivered slightly, my body tingling of the thought of cuddling up with him on an afternoon...

"Try that. It should help." His eyes fluttered momentarily when he noticed how close we were and he shot up taking his hand off my shoulder.

I felt a rush of cold air on all the areas he'd been touching me, stealing away the comforting body heat.

He placed my pencil on my table and rushed out my window giving a quick wave and like that he was gone.

I was left alone, staring at the window in a daze...

The silence engulfed me... but I was mainly missing his body heat... his hand on me...

I didn't finish my homework that night. There was no way I could focus after that. After seeing him.


Oh no.

I like two guys.

Sorry this one's so short and that it took so long I've been buried in school work already 😭

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now