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I'd been lying in bed for I don't even know how long.

My mind was on overdrive and completely blank at the same time.

A while ago my Auntie had come up to confer and it did put a lot of ease to my mind but with each minute she'd been gone the louder my thoughts got.

I couldn't take it anymore so I put on my new spider suit and leapt out my window. I'm sure my Auntie won't notice my absence. She's probably trying to give me space and I'm pretty sure she's having friends over today anyway.

I don't have web shooters yet unfortunately but the city is dense with tall buildings so I barely needed any.

As I leapt from building to building I kept running fast and faster and jumping further. I started to leap over a few buildings, testing my limits.

I slid to a halt on a roof and look at a tower two buildings away. As of this moment all I wanted was to feel a rush. Feel a sense of accomplishment, so I backed up and exhaled slowly.

Next thing I knew I'd ran and leapt into the air. I felt myself lift up and start to get dragged down. The only way I could describe this feeling was euphoria.

I reached out and stuck to the tower with a light thud.

I chuckled and screamed into the crisp evening air.


At this point I didn't care if the people down below hear. I had a suit now anyway.

I kept to the next building, getting more confident.

I'd do corny little poses in the air between jumps.

I fixated on a building not too far in the distance. It was probably the tallest one in this area.

When I got to it I sat on the edge and caught my breath, my cheeks hurting from my smiling.

I was watching the tiny little ant sized looking people walk and go about their day.

Just as I calmed down I jerked at the sudden appearance of Spider-Man next to me.


Apparently this was hilarious cuz Spider-Man laughed at me and pulled his mask up, just over his nose, likely as some kind show of trust.

I take off my mask and scrunch my face at him mockingly which only made him chuckle again.

"So what's a girl like you doing all the way here?"

He slyly smirked at me as he teased and leaned towards me. I chuckle at him under my breath and push him away to lean in the opposite direction.

"Just- getting away." I smiled softly at him and he mirrored it with a hint of curiosity as he leaned forward to look up at me.

"Oh? Elaborate." His smile was so sweet and inviting. It was like it was pulling me in. Even though I don't who this guy was, I felt like I could tell him anything.

I looked down at my feet as they dangled off the side of the building contemplating my next words carefully.

"... there's been... a lot of drama in my life recently." I glance up at him as his smile shifts and he looks at me concerned and intrigued. If I didn't know better I'd even say there was a hint of anger...

He put his hand on my knee gently and when he spoke, his voice was so.. soft and warm. Not the usual loud and bubbly I was used to from Spider-Man.

"You don't have to tell me but, I'm always willing to listen."

His words were so comforting, he made me want to tell him. 

"I-.... Can't. I want to but... I don't know..."

His smile sent chills down my spine. It was so genuine and gravitational. He got a bit closer to me and my breath caught in my throat.

Oh gosh-

"It's ok. I already said you don't have to. I understand." He spoke quietly to me, like I was the only thing on his mind.

I'd wished so badly to be able to see his eyes in this moment. I wanted to look into them, see him. I knew that's be stupid though.

...But would it really? He knows what I look like.

I'd realized I was just staring at him so panicking slightly I tried to make it seem like I wasn't.

"Thanks..." was all I could muster. I felt so pathetic. My heart practically stopped when he smiled at me wider. He was so close I swear I could count his lashes.

He still hand his hand gently placed on my knee and it made my skin tingle from under my suit. I felt a warm wave creep through me, spreading from my knee to everywhere else.

As of this moment, all I could think of was closing the distance between us. It'd be so easy. Just lean forward a little...

He got up so fast I barely had time to process it, his hand left my knee making me cold, feeling a little empty now. I hated I felt this way. Why'd he do that? Did I over step it?! Ugh I'm so dumb!

"I- uh..." he cleared his throat standing stiffly and within a flash he'd used his webs to swing far away from me..


"......bye...... I guess.." I definitely scared him off. Why'd I have to be so-.. UGH!

Spider-Man already being well out of sight, I stood up quick enough to make myself dizzy and I kicked the floor of the roof grunting in frustration.

With a huff I head back home, the setting sun only making me more frustrated as it blinded me making my accuracy off.

I land in my room with a thud and throw myself into my bed and I scream into my pillow.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now