New Home

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I don't know how long I was sitting in that alley for. All I knew so far was that I wasn't in c/n anymore and that the people passing by did not speak English.

I didn't feel like getting up at all. I felt like I was dying and I was miserable at the fact that I probably teleported all the way across the world. I don't have the kind of money to buy a plane ticket back! I was stuck here. I wanted to cry but that would get me nowhere. I had to get up and get moving. I was a sitting duck for anyone looking for free stuff otherwise. Slowly I got up, pressing my hand on my temple. I grabbed my suitcase and started walking.

I guess I should consider myself lucky that I even have my suitcase. Ooooh this is a disaster I thought to myself. I knew my luck was bad but I didn't think that it was this bad.

Miserable, I dragged my feet as I hopelessly asked people passing by where I was. Most looked at me like a lost puppy and just kept walking. Some would grunt at me and others would completely ignore me. This was hopeless. I'd be lost forever. Living on the streets begging for food in a language no one could understand.

Completely destroyed and defeated I sat down in a less crowded area and cried. I didn't know what else to do. It felt so nice to cry though. Yes, snot was running down my face but I didn't care. All that emotion I was burring finally gave out. I cried so much my eyes were sore and my head was throbbing. All I wanted at this point was a nap. I'd been awake for about 15 consecutive hours and I was exhausted.

Suddenly a comforting warmth was on my shoulder. I looked over to see a nice looking woman and who I assumed to be her husband next to her. She asked me something and I wanted so bad to understand but I couldn't.
"What-?" Was all I could muster between sniffles. The woman smiled at me and crouched down.
"What's the matter dear?" Her voice was soft and beautiful with her thick accent. I was so taken aback that she was speaking English that I just stared at her dumbfounded. This didn't seem to bother her. "Follow me." Even if she was an evil enchantress I would've followed her. Her voice was so kind and soothing. I started crying more as she put her arm around me, likely because of the mommy issues in me.

She took me to her house, guided me to her couch and gave me a blanket and some tissues. She left for a little while while I collected myself and returned with some tea. "Thank you" I whispered, slightly embarrassed.

She sat beside me with her husband in silence for a little while before asking me what my troubles were. I told her how I didn't know how I got her and I was so confused and felt so sick and scared and that I just wanted to take a nap. Without hesitating she took me upstairs to a guest room. Or something like a guest room. Maybe it was their daughters room. It had a large bed filled with stuffed animals, a nice desk that's be perfect to study at and a book shelf filled with educational books. I felt a little bad for using their daughters room but I was too tired to protest.

I awoke a few hours later and went downstairs to thank the lady for letting me stay. I stood by the kitchen door way timidly afraid to interrupt the conversation she was having with her husband. I didn't understand a word they were saying but it sounded like they were coming to an agreement of some sort. I cleared my through to let them know I was there.

As they looked over they both smiled at me and showed me the way back to the living room. The conversation was short but it meant the world to me. The woman told me that until I found a way home I could stay here and that they didn't mind however long it took. They had recently been planing to adopt since she didn't have time to raise a young child but still wanted one. They said it'd be like a trial run to see if they were ready to adopt. In the mean time they were going to enrol me in a nearby school and that they had already ordered a uniform. After that they just needed to know how old I was and what classes I wanted to take. I went back up to what was now my room, thrilled! What luck! This couple seemed so nice and now I had a place to stay without having the struggle of trying to pay for it! I went back to bed excited for when I got to go to school again.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now