Jitters (back to y/ns POV)

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I woke up groggily and slowly put on my uniform, brushed my teeth and hair. I kissed my Auntie goodbye and shuffled out the door.

Hands in pockets, staring at the ground with my headphones on, I made my way to school.

I was so close too when someone grabbed my shoulders scaring me out of my sleepy state.

I jumped and spun around to see a very happy Pav smiling at me. I gave him a 'wtf' glance and he pointed at his ears, wanting me to take my headphones off.

"...yes Pav?" I asked removing my headphones.

"Oh I was just wondering if you're ready for school!"

"You are way too happy this early in the morning." I grumbled.

"I'm happy because I'm with you!" He flashed a big smile and I felt a blush creeping up my face.

I looked to the pavement hoping he wouldn't notice but his smile just got bigger- I didn't even think that was possible.

He bent down a bit and looked up at my face. This is so embarrassing... but also really cute..

My blush only deepened and I shoved his face away, I couldn't help but smile.

"Dork." I said trying to brush off what I was feeling.

Pav just kept grinning at me and he picked me up from behind, as he swung side to side.

"PAV!" I flailed in desperation to get out of his arms, laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I secretly didn't want him to let go.

We both laughed as he set me down and put him arm around my shoulder as we finished the walk to school.

My blush never went away. In fact it just kept getting more prominent.

I'm sure the silence was comfortable to Pav since he kept looking over at me and smiling but I've never felt more uncomfortable. I kinda liked it though...

We got to class and the whole time, Pav looked antsy. Like his anticipation kept building up and there was no way to release it. Anyone who looked at him could tell he was excited about something.

Today was a note taking day. Wonderful. When the teacher announced it everyone in the class groaned, including myself. Everyone but Pav of course.

Halfway through, he looked over at my notes and studied them. I knew he wasn't copying because he was way ahead but something about my notes clearly bothered him.

I gave him a confused look and waved my hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Pav." I whispered.

Whatever train of thought he was on stopped and he looked at me a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry..." He went back to his notes but when I looked over he looked upset and his fist was clenched. Yikes, did I do that?

I waited for Pav outside the school. Gayatri seemed to have lost track of time because she wasn't waiting with me. She was usually so early, practically jumping out her shoes excited to see her boyfriend.

Pav burst out the doors and was skipping towards me. He seemed just as antsy as he'd been this morning.

"Someone's in a good mood." I teased, grinning at him.

"A very good one! Now that we're together again!"

I don't know how I'm supposed to keep my cool around this guy. He's too sweet.

My face got hot and I smiled at him, hoping I wasn't blushing.

I must've been though since he smiled bigger just like last time.

Pavitr Prabhakar x FEM ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now