Ice Cream - Pavs POV

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Y/n and I were hop-running as we struggled to slip on our shoes while also racing down the street.

I've only known her for two days and already I love being around her.

Yesterday, I'd woken up a bit earlier than usual, which is already pretty early. I had nothing better to do so I went to school. That was probably the best decision I've ever made in my life.

Had I gone at my regular time, I wouldn't have been there to ask her to sit next to me.

"Come on slow poke! I don't even know the way and I'm ahead you!!" A smile creased onto my face as competitiveness and admiration filled inside of me.

I don't know what it is about her, but every time she talks to me, smiles or laughs, I can't hold back a smile or laugh if my own.

I sped past, holding up an L with my hand as she stuck her tongue out at me. She's so darn cute. There it was again. The smile that seemed to be permanently stamped onto my face.

I skid to a stop and turned around, expecting her to be far behind. I cheated a little and used the extra speed I have from my spidy-powers.

Much to my surprise she was close behind, practically on my heel.

"Who's the slow poke now?" I mocked, hands on my hips.

"I let you win." She said shrugging her shoulders in a cocky manner. "I needed you for directions." She added, smirking at me.

"Suure." My tone may have been sarcastic but I was actually really impressed. No way was she that fast.

We walked inside the ice cream shop as air conditioning kissed our faces.

We got our frozen treats, on which I insisted on paying for, and headed back out for the park.

We talked about nothing and everything, laughing like maniacs.

I caught myself staring at her an quickly shifted my focus on my ice cream. I could feel my ears heating up, and was suddenly very grateful that it was hard to tell when I'm blushing.

Thank you Indian genes.

I really need to get a hold of myself. I didn't want to hurt her and make her think in had a crush on her.

Last time she made me blush I was lucky too. It was when she leaned in for a sticker. I could feel her breath and could practically count her eyelashes she was so close. In the moment, I felt my whole body get hot and I was almost shaking.

It was likely just hormones. Had she been any other girl, I'm sure I would've reacted the same. I love Gayatri.

"Y'know I was like, SUPER messy whenever I ate ice cream as a kid. I mean, every kid is, but I'd get it on my forehead."

I laughed to myself, imagining little y/n with ice cream all over her face.

"That's actually impressive," I said with an evil smirk. I jumped up from the bench we were sitting on and bopped her cheek with some of my remaining ice cream before running for dear life.

"Hey!!!" I soon heard her Bolting after me and I was starting to panic. Mistakenly, I looked behind me, slowing myself down when she tackled me.

She used the last of her ice cream to rub on my nose. I was suddenly very aware of the position we were in. The ice cream may as well have evaporated with how hot I was turning, looking up at her, kneeling over my chest, lying there helplessly. She roller over laughing, no longer on top of me and I began to collect myself.

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