~chapter 2~

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Chapter 2: Little Ducky Adventure

"Itadakimasu! Sasuke, say 'aah'!"

Sasuke's mouth was violated by a fork full of dessert shoved down his throat as he began to choke. Akane giggled in accomplishment, sitting in front of him on the rooftop as she raised her fork in the air. "YES! Finally! I fed you for once!! I'm checking that off my bucket list called My Adventure with My Little Ducky!"

After he was done hacking, the raven boy grabbed her collar and glared at her with menacing eyes. "Why? Why?! Are you crazy?! You know I hate strawberry shortcake!" he scolded but Akane continued to laugh by herself while being shook.

"But you always make a funny face when you eat sweets! I can't help it!!" she grinned from ear to ear as Sasuke took a swig from his water bottle, then growled at her.

"That's because you nearly killed me by shoving a fork in my mouth!" he retorted. This is not a laughing matter to him, but it indeed was for Akane.

"Aww, you can't be mad at me, Sasuke. I'm sure the shortcake wasn't that bad, was it?" Nudging his ribs while he turned away from her, the brunette tried to enlighten the mood.

"No, I hate it. You know I hate it. Out of all things you could've fed me, it just had to be cake," he said flatly.

"But that's all I have for lunch. What else am I going to give you?" she pouted sadly while holding her bento box full of other bright goodies. Sasuke was amazed how much she brought for herself. "If that's the case, then why don't you learn to how to cook?"

"You know I'm bad at cooking! Even if I try to copy something out of a cookbook, I would still burn my house down!" she exclaimed, imagining all the times her mother try to teach her but Akane always manage to ignite a fire. "Plus I don't mind eating stuff like this! I love sweets!"

"I'm not surprised...," Sasuke mumbled. "Despite your size, you're going to get fat if you keeping eating like that."

"Agh! Who cares?! Then it's a good thing that I'm athletic, huh? It cancels out!" Her answer made Sasuke sweat drop.

"I don't think it works like that...." Then he pushed his own red bento box to Akane's side. "Just have some of my food if you don't have anything else than sweets to eat. You know it's bad if you keep this up."

Amazed by Sasuke's offer, Akane's eyes glistened at the sight of Sasuke's food being lent to her. "For me? Sasuke, you take such good care of me!" She tackled him with a tight, loving hug as he puts a hand on her head while rolling his eyes. He half smiled.

"Yeah, yeah... I hear you, Akane." She smiled gently back at him. Without Sasuke, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. She is so blessed to have him as a friend.

When the two finished up their lunch after making a ruckus on the rooftop, they went down to their school building and walked around the halls to kill time.

After following Sasuke, the brunette caught a sight of a crowd forming from a far near a classroom. Stopping dead in her tracks, this made Sasuke look at her. "What is it?" then his eyes followed hers to see a group full of girls.

"Over there! Let's go."

"Wha-? Hey!" Dragging him from behind, Akane eagerly approached the group with curious eyes. Before they can even come close to them, they heard one of the girls talking.

"Do you think we want something like that?! This poster looks hideous!" she shouted as she threw down a rolled up poster on the floor. The girls circled one against the wall as if they were about to ambush her.

"I-I'm sorry...! I would do it again if you want me to," the girl against the wall desperately pleaded.

"Forget it. I would rather hire an expert to do the student council's banner than make a rookie from the art club do a mediocre job. Save all your crayons for your coloring book!"

Akane couldn't stand to listen to this anymore as she stepped in to the conversation by kicking one of the girls behind their knee.

Sasuke didn't know how to react to that.

"Instead of torturing a girl about her work, why don't you just drop dead and leave?!" she scolded. Surprised by her action, the girls scoffed once they made eye contact with Akane. "Oh crap.. It's Akane Chiharu from class 2-B. What? Are you going to threaten us?"

"If that's what it takes, I will!!" she shouted angrily, raising her fist. "Now scram, you little chickens! Leave! Or else I'm going to pulverize you to dough if you don't!" Terrified by the flames shooting from her mouth, the girls scurried as they were chased by Akane who ran after them in a few feet.

She panted heavily by the rage unleashed out of her as her arms made a ninety degree angle. "Those bitches... Always picking on someone weak." Once she turned around, her eyes found Sasuke who's holding in his laugh behind his hand.

"What's so funny?!" Akane yelled at him with an annoyed expression. He shook his hands.

"You...," he couldn't finish his sentence, still muffling his laugh as she glared at him.

"You think me chasing those girls away is hilarious? What the hell were you doing?!" Before Sasuke can answer her, a small voice spoke in between them as their eyes trailed to the girl who just got picked on.

She has beautiful, long and wavy black hair with short bangs hovering her striking blue eyes. But most of all, she had some big jugs on her too... That was the most noticeable feature on her. But she definitely look like super model by the way she looks, and Akane was mesmerized by her outstanding beauty.

"U-um.. Thank you so much for your help!" she bowed to them with an embarrassed blush across her pale face. Akane grinned at her, patting her shoulder twice.

"Hehe... No problem! I'm glad I was there to help out! You know those girls are up to no good."

Walking to the alone poster on the floor, Akane picked it up for her. "This is your work? It looks amazing! It must have taken you so long to do!" she announced after opening it. The girl became extremely timid by her compliment as she blushed a million shades of red.

"Ah! N-No, don't say that. It's just... a small thing," she wiggled with hands on her face.

This made the brunette smile at her while giving it back. "So you're from the art club here? You have so much talent! I don't know how those girls think this is awful. Don't you think so, Sasuke?"

When her brown eyes looked at the Uchiha's standing form, he looked dazed while staring at the girl in front of them with parted lips. "Sasuke." He snapped back by blinking at her, then slowly nodded. Akane made a face at him, questioningly.


"Anyways! If those girls come back, let me know so I can beat their ass!" She waved. "Smell ya, later!" While Akane walked with Sasuke down the hall, she couldn't help but notice her best friend's silence beside her. So she began to speak. "Art club sounds fun, doesn't it? I should probably join just to see how it is!"

"She's... nice." Akane didn't expect that sudden statement from him. A triple dot bubble formed over her head as she stared blankly at the raven boy who is in his own world. Until she finally realized who he's referring to.

It can't be... He likes her...?!

Akane gaped at him amazingly. "W-WHAAAAA?! This is the first time I heard you say something good about a girl!" Sasuke's face looked shock by his and her words as a shade of embarrassment colored his nose. He immediately masked his face with his hand away from Akane.

"You...!" He was about to say more but couldn't. He doesn't know what to say. Shutting his eyes and stuffing his pockets, he walked casually ahead of her. "Let's go."

"B-But what you said just now!! Sasukeeee, don't be shy!! Tell me! Tell me more!!"

"Leave me alone!" Looking carefully at him, Akane noticed something on his face; he's blushing. And it wasn't just out of embarrassment, there was some interest sparkled in his eyes that she never saw in him before.

In second thought, Akane never seen him look so lost when he sees a girl. This is probably the first time he ever compliments about one.

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