~chapter 14~

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Chapter 14: No More Double Dates?

"So you've known Akane-chan for a very long time?" Sasuke arched his brows at the black haired girl, her long curls rests over her shoulders as her baby blue eyes glowed under her bangs.

The topic about his best friend is very sudden.

"Yeah, for who knows how long," he answered while continuing his objective to walk Momo home. "Kinda annoying if you ask me. There are times I feel blessed to have her around, but there are moments I wish I can wear a paper bag over my head. She's overly crazy."

He didn't notice but Momo stopped matching his pace and then finally stood her ground, looking in deep thought. Finally Sasuke didn't hear her footsteps as he stopped and turned to look at her. "What is it?"

A lingering face appeared on her face, but then she twitched a small smile and tried to tease. "Probably crazy about you," she chuckled. Raising his brow at her, Sasuke couldn't comprehend her words or her behavior.

"With Akane?" He then 'tch'ed and rolled his eyes at the mere idea of it. "That's just how she is; being playful."

"I see that," Momo nodded slightly. At her strange demeanor, Sasuke was utterly confused by the subject about Akane. It made him worry about his new girlfriend.

Just when he was about to say something, a quiet 'ding' erupted from his pants and Momo glanced down at his pocket. "It's probably a text," he answered her as he pulled it out. Opening his screen, none other than an outrageous text from the girl who they were talking about previously.

Hey, you sexy bastard!
Is everything going well playing hookie with Momo?? ;D *wink wink* *heart heart*
If you guys are in need of something to do, I already planned our next double date!
Yes, you are coming. And no excuses!
Am I ruining your sexy time?


Sasuke knew from the moment he opened the text, he's gunna be in a big hell hole. But it was fine for him. Smirking, he likes how Momo and his best friend Akane interact with each other, having both of his favorite people hang out with him at the same time.

"It's Akane. She said she wants to hang with us soon," he said to Momo as he quickly replied to Akane mindlessly. After sending a text saying 'crazy woman', Sasuke faced Momo but he was astounded to see her look so unsure.

"Also, with Arai?" She asked and he nodded dubiously. Momo's eyes fell to the floor as she was about to mutter a few words to him.

"You can't this time?" She just shook her head with a shy fist hovering her mouth.

"It's not that. It's just..," pausing, she had to think about what she was gunna say. Until she finally peeped out. "I, I don't want them to come this time."

Surprised from her response, Sasuke asked. "What do you mean?"

"I want it to be... just you and me. No one else." The Uchiha blinked at the raven headed female, then slightly nodded.



"Huh? You don't want us there?" looking through her doe-like eyes, Sasuke saw the surprise in them. Eventually, Akane's expression is replaced with understanding. "Ohhh... I get it! You want to have some alone time with her, is that it?" She giggled to herself creepily.

Making a disapproved face, the raven watched the brunette sitting on his bed, smiling. "Not exactly," he answered. "I don't know, Momo suggested that it should be the two of us from now on." Blinking, Akane nodded at every word he said but she heard him sigh in exasperation.

"I'm still not used to being alone with her on dates. I guess I gotten used to you being there all the time," he explained while rubbing his head. "Don't take it the wrong way..."

Chuckling, Akane shook her hands defensively. "That's no problem! I shouldn't be third-wheeling you guys anyways! I totally understand."

"But what are you and Arai going to do?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Touching her chin, a thinking face appeared on her face. So she hummed.

"Probably nothing. Maybe stay at home and watch a movie, eating fried chicken!"

Shaking his head, Sasuke began to put on his black button up shirt while looking in the tall mirror in his room. "Sounds like you... Wish we could do something like that."

"Why can't you?"

"Momo's parents are strict, so I can't come over to her house and vise versa," Sasuke started fixing his spiked hair while explaining to Akane. He gave in another sigh. "So today, we're going to the planetarium and probably get something to eat."

"The planetarium?! Sounds so romantic for someone like you, Sasu~!" Laughing behind her fists, Sasuke glared at her while making an embarrassed face. "The stars won't be the only thing you're going to gaze at, am I right?!"

As she laughs, Sasuke sprayed a drop of his cologne in her mouth, causing her to choke at the bitter taste.

"You should be fortunate that I'm the only one who gets to hear stupid shit like that all the time," he muttered with a stoic expression, then smirking at his best friend who's dying over his bed.

"IT BURNS US!!" screamed Akane, making a dramatic fuss while holding her neck and slapping her hand on his window.

"Now will you get out of my room? I'm about to leave soon," he told her but a pout formed on her lips.

"But your mom is already making bread pudding for me!" Akane cried, making Sasuke sigh at her childish attitude. He slipped his phone and wallet in his pockets, preparing to exit out.

"Fine, just don't touch anything." Before the Uchiha leaves out of his room, the brunette decided to be bold and smacked his hard butt encouragingly like how footballers would do during a game.

"Go get her boobs, fool!" she cheered with a grin. "Tell me all about it when you get back!"

"I'm going to pretend like you didn't just do that."

In Love With My Best Friend |Uchiha Sasuke|Where stories live. Discover now