~chapter 8~

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Chapter 8: Strange-y

"How could you?"

Akane fake cried underneath an angry Sasuke who's sitting on her back over her bed and holding her bag of mini-powdered donuts that she was previously eating. She desperately wriggled. "SASUKE~! Get your toned, white butt off of my curvy goodness!!"

"Not until you tell me why you did that."

"Because I thought it would be funny!" She whined. By her obnoxious fuss, Sasuke thought he tortured her enough and shifted his weight off of her, reluctantly lending her donuts back.

"Yayyy! Donuts!!" Before stuffing her face with white-covered holes, Sasuke pinched her cheek and tugged it roughly, drawing her close to him. "OWOWOWOW!! That hurts!"

"Don't you dare pull sticky moves like that ever again," he scolded as he released her.

"But I thought it would be a good opportunity for you to know Momo better! Since you hardly ever text her," she rubbed her cheek with tears in her eyes. She saw him looking shocked and shouted.

"You looked through my texts?!"

"I only peeked at it for a second!" She defended with a nervous chuckle which Sasuke scowled at her in reply. "Don't give me that look. You can't possibly tell me that you didn't have fun spending time with her for once, without me chaperon you!"

"Even without you there, you still made a fool out of me, believe it or not."

"Are you cereal? What did you guys even do?" She questioned while sitting right next to him on her bed. Sasuke just sighed while scratching the hairline of his head with his finger. This has got to be good.

"Got something to eat... Went on a carousel... And we sat down and talked," he explained. Akane stayed silent as if she's waiting more of his mushy gushy adventure with Momo. But that can't be it; that can't be all of it. "That's it."

"THAT'S IT?!" she shouted in his ear, causing him to wince.

Shrugging, Sasuke nodded calmly, not bothered by it, "I don't mind."

"Of course you don't!! Didn't you guys go on rides?!" He shook his head, making Akane narrow her eyes at him. What kind of people go to an amusement if they're not going on any rides? Oh yeah.. She forced them to go.

"Momo doesn't like amusement parks." Akane's face turned blank by his comment as a big sweat drop fall from her hair. "She told me."

"Oh crap. Then my idea was a burning red flag," she muttered. "Why?! How come?"

"Same reason as me. It's too loud. The rides are too extreme. The walk is a bother, plus she wore short heels today. Don't know why..." Akane questions if any girl would wear it when they know they're going to an eventful place like an amusement park. "Nothing else, really. She talked about herself which is pretty cool. Her favorite food is onigiri."

"Ahhh, it sounds like you two have a lot of things in common! Then I guess you did have fun, am I right?!" She grinned but Sasuke looked away from her with a huff. "Did you?!"

"No, it was boring. Now don't do anything stupid from now on!" He spat, but he glared at her when he saw her snickering. "Akane... No more."

"It will be kind of hard to keep it a promise...," she rolled her eyes innocently. Sighing, Sasuke shook his head at her. There's no way in stopping her, knowing it's Akane he's talking to. "Well, do you know if she had fun?"

"I guess..." For some reason, he sounded so hesitant but Akane didn't look into it as much, assuming that Sasuke flocked his fan-girl moves on her.

So she looked at him questionably. "Is there something you're not telling me?" she asked suspiciously.

He paused.

"You are!!" She gaped, tugging his shirt. "I know that can't be the whole story!! You can't consider it to be that boring, so don't give me that 'I'm-too-cool-to-express-how-much-Momo-means-to-me'!" He slapped her hands away, turning red out of, either, anger or embarrassment.

Oh yeah... He's definitely hiding something.

He suddenly stared at her, making her soften her expression. "Cheeky." Akane frowned at him. What did he just say?

"'Cheeky?" She repeated. Then Sasuke suddenly pinched her cheek again, yanking it which it caused her to make a wet noise from her mouth. "OWWW!"

"Your cheeks. They're always big and puffy," he explained as she rubbed her cheek once again, punching him on the back. He didn't make a face.

"Are you calling me fat?" she added. "Geez... This doesn't mean I will forget about your date with Momo! I will know!" He smirked in accomplishment, knowing that he had won this round.


"What took you so long?" Sasuke asked, waiting by the tree where he usually waits for Akane's fat butt from her house. She smiled widely, and then yawned.

"Sleeping! What else?"

"You slept through your alarm clock, didn't you?"

The first day of the week sped as both Sasuke and Akane walked to school together, forgetting the small incident with her devious plan to set him and Momo on the day of the park opened. But during the weekend, Sasuke kept avoiding the topic about her as if she was some sort of enemy to him, making the brunette question about the two.

Something smells awfully fishy like Akane's incident when she had that bad tofu the other day.

As they slowly approached the school, Akane blinked when she sees a particular head standing by the front entrance. She can recognize the familiar wavy, black hair anywhere.

"Momo! Good morning!" She greeted as the blue eyed girl lifted herself off the wall. "G-Good morning, Akane-chan! You too, Sasuke-kun," her eyes smiled at the Uchiha in front of her.

It almost felt like déjà vu. She waited for them... again, but this time Momo's expression seems more lively when her eyes caught a glimpse of the raven boy walking to school.

Akane turned to her friend beside her as she heard nothing come out of him. Sasuke was just gazing at her with pink cheeks and an irritated face, looking bothered by staring at the teenage beauty.

What's with them?

Quirking her brows at him, the brunette simply smiled back at Momo. "We should get inside before class starts. Want us to walk with you?"

"Um, sure." Momo nodded with an awkward smile. Her face equally matched with Sasuke's. Tensed by the air between them, Akane felt like she was in the middle of a plank between two cities, unaware about the situation she's in.

Something definitely happened on that day of the amusement park.

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