chapter 1: Amelia

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No one's POV:

No, not again, young Amelia thought as she saw her mom sitting in the living room with her so called friends. The little girl saw the white dust scattered on the coffee table along with glass bottles, music was playing, loud and the adult's in the room were higher than a kite as they continued to do their thing.

Considering she was six, Amelia was a smart child but that was probably because she had to be, she saw things no child should have to see. Her mom practically throwing her life away and had been for quite some time now. She didn't know what the white stuff was but she knew it wasn't good, however, it was the day's when her mom didn't have it that were the worst.

Her mom would be irritable and quick tempered and the abuse towards her daughter, well need i say more? The day's her mom had the white stuff she was still a piece of work, she didn't want the child around and would yell at her everytime she saw her face. Amelia may be a kid but she knew the people who hung out with her mom were not friends, where were they when her mom had nothing?

They were only ever there when her mom had money, you didn't have to be a genius to know they were just using her but Amelia knew her mom didn't care, in order to keep getting her 'fix' that was the company she had to keep. She didn't even try to stop them when they were hitting her child, the one even used his belt, the young girl craved her mother's love and wanted nothing more than to feel wanted.

She had been told so many times throughout her life how her own dad walked out before she was born, how he had told her mom to get rid of her, how he hadn't even met his daughter and decided he didn't want her. That hurt, it really did, what was so wrong with her that caused both parents to hate her? She resented the other kids at school who had not one but two loving parents.

Amelia's POV

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT YOU BRAT? GET BACK TO YOUR ROOM! YOU KNOW THE RULES" I suddenly hear my mom yell as she sits on the couch with a bottle of beer in hand. My eyes widen and i instantly turn back around only to be grabbed by one of her friends "now now T, your not gonna let her get away with it are you?" He asks as he stares daggers at my mom.

She looks around the room to her friend's before shaking her head at me "no, no im not" she answers him as she gives me a cold look, one i knew all to well. I can practically feel the tears start to swell in my eyes as she walks towards me. Her punishments are already bad but they're ten times worse when she's with them.

Suddenly i feel her hand make contact with the side of my face, she slapped me. She then looks to one of her friends "Josè go get my hair brush from my room" she tells him too which he nods and walks out the room. "Please dont mommy, I'm sorry" i beg as i realize what she is going to do, i was still sore from two days ago.

My mom just laughs at me with a shake of her head "SHUT UP YOU USELESS CHILD!" She snaps, Josè comes walking in with the wooden hair brush that belonged to my mom, he hands it her and i squint my eyes shut as i prepare for what's going to happen. Within seconds i feel the brush hitting my bottom, hard, i wanted to cry but i knew if i did, she would only do it harder.

"Thwack" "Thwack" "Thwack"


I was now back in my room, laying on my mattress, i didn't have a proper bed, to be honest though, i didn't have alot of stuff, my mom sold alot of it when she needed money for that white powder. The only comfort item i had was Bobby, my teddy bear and right now he was very scared so i am hugging him trying to make him feel better.

I had my cry when i first came back in here, in the end i had to stop because my eyes were burning from the amount of tears i was shedding. Unfortunately after my mom was done i had accidentally knocked into the coffee table spilling one of her friends drinks. Stupid me had made things worse for myself, he didn't use my moms brush, no, he used his belt.

Crimson red could be seen on the back of my pink hoodie, i hadn't seen the damage but i could imagine what it looked like, this wasn't the first time it had happened. All i could do was lay on my stomach clutching onto Bobby, deep in thought. Why did she hate me so much? Why did my dad not want me? He hadn't even met me.

After a while i decided to try and get some sleep but there was no use, i tried and tried but just couldn't get comfortable and the music and the talking in the living room were just so loud. I didn't have a pillow to put over my ears to block out the noise, all i had was Bobby and my mattress. The best i could do was hold him tight.

Hour's went by and everything suddenly went silent, there was no sound of talking or yelling, the music was no more, i didn't dare leave my room though, i wanted to make sure my mom's friend's were definitely gone before i did that so i just stayed there, waiting and waiting. But the silence stayed, that was until it happened...

I hear yelling and before i knew it, my moms scream shortly followed by a door slamming. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, my palms were sweaty, what happened? Eventually i striked up enough courage to go and check, i ever to slightly pushed my door open and made my way into the living room, nothing could ever prepare me for what i saw.

My mom, lay on the floor in a puddle of her own blood, i instantly ran to her "MOMMY!" I cried out as i got down on my knees beside her, "MOMMY! WAKE UP" i continue to cry not understanding what was going on. Why was she bleeding? Why wasn't she awake? And then it hit me, she... She's dead.

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