chapter 12: Not okay

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I place my plate onto the coffee table before resting my head on his shoulder hoping to give him some sort of comfort.

Angela's POV

I was just doing some stretches on my yoga matt when i see Wesley walk in, dressed in a suit with his briefcase "hey" he says. "Your going to work?" I question, he nods "i figured it was time to get off the couch" he answers as i get up off the ground. I walk towards him "the doctor said to take it easy, you sure you're ready?" I ask, i really don't think it's a good idea.

"Yeah" he answers with a nod "the pills are working, i haven't had a panic attack since the first one, im all good" he tells me. I place a hand on his arm "ok, i just worry you know?" I say as i look at him with a smile, "i know" he says "but today is going to be a great day" he adds before giving me a kiss, i give him one back.

"You know, Rachel said Amelia is going back to school today father like daughter eh?" I tell him as i think back to when Rachel gave us a phone call, we or rather i had constantly called to check up on Amelia as much as i could. Rachel wasn't technically supposed to say anything but she did anyway.

Wesley smiles at me before sighing "i just wish this whole thing didn't take so long, it kills me not having her in our lives" he says, i nod with a sad smile "i know" i say, zoning off slightly as i think about her "but she's doing okay, we need to stay positive" i add as i look back to him, he nods "i know"

I then change the subject "there's coffee in the kitchen" i tell him "let me take a quick shower and I'll walk out with you" i add before walking off "ok" i hear him say. I then proceed to shower and get ready for work, the whole time i do so i continue to think about everything that's gone on lately, it's alot, i just Wesley is as good as he says he is and that Amelia is doing okay, i miss her her so much.

Amelia's POV

So i am back at school today and i can honestly say i am not enjoying it, at all! The only good thing is i get to be away from Miss Carson, she has gotten worse, even when i am good and do everything i am supposed too, she just doesn't like me but hey, who does? "AMELIA!" I suddenly hear and look up to see my teacher Miss Ocean, she's knealt down beside my desk looking at me in concern.

Miss Ocean is the only good thing about this place, she's nice and she's a good teacher "are you okay sweetheart?" She asks me, i look around the room to see all the kids either giggling, staring or making fun of me, i look back to Miss Ocean and nod. She sighs before getting back up "maybe you can finish the sentence on the board then?" She asks.

I look to the whiteboard 'I got a cookie _____ the store' i nod my head to my teacher before answering "its 'from' that's the missing word" she nods with a smile "that's correct, well done Amelia". I feel proud of myself but that feeling soon goes away when i hear a boy speak up "yea, well done nerd!" All the other kids start laughing then "THATS ENOUGH! Michael that wasn't very nice" Miss Ocean says.

Wesley's POV

I am sat at a bar having a drink when my phone goes off signaling i have a text, i check it too see it's Angela checking up on me to see how things sre going. I send her a quick message back with a single word 'great' i seem to be using that word alot lately despite it being the complete opposite of how things are, how i am.

Within seconds my phone chimes again with a message from her saying she loves me, i send her one back saying i love her too. I told her i was going back to work today, i am even dressed as if i am, my briefcase beside me. But instead i am at the bar drinking, mixing alcohol with my medication  it's common sense not to do that so why am i? I keep acting like i am good but im not, I'm not okay.

Angela's POV

So it's been a very long day at work, it all started with Rosalind Dyer, she was gonna show us the location of where the other three bodies of her victims were for an exchange. Her sentence would go from death to life without parole. Of course, things didn't go to plan though, instead another body was found, one that was much recent.

Anyway, i am just walking through the door i see Wesley laying on the couch face down "Wesley?" I say, no answer, "Wesley!" I try a little louder, still no response. I look at him panicked as a rush over to the couch "WESLEY!" I try shaking him slightly as i repeat his name, but he didn't move, i turn him on his back "WAKE UP, WAKE UP!" I shout as i start slapping his face slightly.

"WAKE UP, COME ON!" I continue what im doing until eventually he does wake up "hey, hey, hey!" He says looking at me all confused, i just stare at him "what the hell were you thinking?" I question. He looks at me blankly "huh?" He asks, "mixing anxiety meds and alcohol!" I answer him "are you trying to kill yourself?" I exclaim, my voice breaking.

He looks around in confusion "I don't... I uh, I don't know" he says, i just look at him worried "you said you were good, your not okay Wesley! Your not okay!" I yell at him, chocking back a sob "what about Amelia? Wesley! What if the judge, what if Rachel found out? You have to talk to me or if not me, your doctor!" I tell him.

I might have gone a bit too far but i think i have gotten through to him, his eyes widen, he nods before breaking down into tears "i know, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Ange" he tells me. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a warm embrace "i fucked up" he says, chocking on his own sobs. I nod my head "you did, but we can fix this, your going to be okay".

Amelia's POV

Every night, every night it's the same old thing, me crying into my pillow as i hold onto Bobby, school had been terrible, some kids had been spiteful as usual and then when i got back here, Miss Carson made me feel even worse. She had me stand for a picture today, yea, she took a photo, it was for my file incase anyone wanted to foster or adopt me.

I felt a little bit of hope when she told me that, that maybe i would be able to get out of here but she soon reminded me that nobody would ever want me, nobody would pick me. She was right of course so i dont even know why i let myself feel that little bit of hope, why? I should know by now, my mom told be time and time again, the one time i felt like she was wrong was with Angela and Wesley but they lied.

They didn't want me, they didn't love me, it was all lies, this right here, this is all ive got now, the only one i can count on is Bobby, he has never left me and ill never leave him. "Amelia" i hear a small voice say, i turn to see Stacy stood by my bed "here" she says as she holds out something. A plush Hippopotamus, more importantly, her plush Hippopotamus.

"You can feel his heart beat, helps me sleep, he also helps cheer me up" she explains, i just stare at it blankly "he's yours" i say. She nods her head "yea but you need him more than me right now" she says as she places him on my bed. I pick him up and hold him close, my eyes widen "his heart really beats!" I say, she smiles "told you".

I continue to hold him, the feeling of the heartbeat giving me some sort of comfort, my cries slowing down instantly "what's his name?" I ask, she grin's "Happy" she answers, "because he makes you happy" we then say in unison which then makes us giggle. "Thank you" i say as i look to Stacy, she nods her head "your welcome, goodnight Amelia".

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