Chapter 9: DNA results

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she wrap's her arm's around me, running her fingers through my hair, soothing me completely.

Amelia's POV:

Right now the three of us are sat in the hospital waiting, me and Wesley had to get the DNA test. Angela had made a joke saying how it wasn't even needed, that you could tell by looking at us that we were related. While we were waiting though i couldn't help but think about how weird this whole thing was.

Yesterday i had gotten attached to Angela rather fast, i trusted her more than anyone there and it just so happened that she was dating my dad. Although i probably shouldn't say that yet should i? I mean, even though the picture i have is of him and Angela can see it, we haven't had them DNA results yet.

I guess i am a little scared though because if they do come back as a match and i am his daughter, will i be ruining their relationship? I know Angela said she wants me and loves me too but is she just saying that because she's with him? Oh i don't know, it's like, i trust her but then ive still got these doubts.

Maybe its because im so used to things going wrong and people giving up on me. My own mom didn't want me so what's to say Angela will think the same once this becomes real or he could. He said he wanted me and that he would have wanted me years before if he'd been told but how can i be sure that's the truth.

"What's going on in that little head of your's carinõ?" Angela suddenly asks as she places a hand on my knee, i look at her, my eyes glossy, tears wanted to fall but i was trying so hard to not let them. I cried so much i didn't want to do it again, they'll definitely not want me then, they'll see that I'm weak, not brave.

"Hey hey hey" she said noticing my sadness "come here" she added as she held her arms out, i climbed into her lap. She placed my head on her chest so i could hear her heart beating, it was really comforting. "You don't have to be upset baby, tell us what's wrong" i hear her say as she kisses my head.

"Im scared" i admit, she nods her head "okay, that's to be expected but you don't have to be okay? You've got me, you've got Wesley" she tells me, too which i nod "if it comes up as a match though, will i just be ruining your relationship? You'll get fed up of me, realize why my mom didn't want me and you'll leave, then i, then i would have ruined both your lives".

Suddenly i feel a hand stroking my face but it wasn't Angela's, i tilt my head to see Wesley, he smiles at me sadly "you could never ruin our lives and we could never get fed up of you" . Angela then lift's my head slightly so im looking into her eyes "he's right, i wont leave, i could never get fed up of you" she tells me.

"I know it's hard for you to believe these things because you've been told differently for so long but we will continue to love you, protect you, be there for you and eventually you will believe it because we will never ever give up on you" Wesley adds. I shed a tear as a smile at him "but you don't even have the results yet" i say.

Angela just giggles a little bit "oh please, we already know what it's going to say" Wesley nods agreeing with her "exactly" he says before giving me a kiss on my nose making me giggle. After he sits back down i snuggle into Angela a bit more "comfy?" She asks me, i just nod as i rest my head on her chest "very" i say.

Angela's POV:

God i love this girl so much, i can't lie, even if them results came back and she wasn't Wesley's daughter, i would adopt her anyway. It's not like me to get attached to kid's like this but this one's different. There is just something about her, i have this feeling that i can't shake nor do i want too.

She's definitely a cuddle bug, she loves it when i hold her, i dont mind though, she's honestly too precious and she's been through so much. It breaks my heart to know she has all these feelings, all these doubts. She's not used to people giving her affection, poor girl, i think she's been so touch deprived over the years that now she's had a taste of it, she can't get enough.

Suddenly she starts fidgeting about, wriggling in my arms "what's up cuddle bug? I ask her, she rubs her eye's tiredly as she looks at me "i need the toilet" i smile at her lovingly "you want me to carry you? Or can you walk?" I ask her, i know she can walk but she looks so tired, I'm not going to force her if she doesn't want too.

"Carry" she mumbles quietly before resting her head back down, oh this poor baby, i don't think she's slept at all. I nod my head at her "ill be right back" i tell Wesley, he gives me a smile. I carry on to the ladies room and once inside i place her down on the floor, she walks into a stall and closes the door.

I stand on the outside waiting, she needs to know I'm here, i know she is done when i hear the toilet flushing, the door soon opening. She holds her arms up for me but i just chuckle with a shake of my head "wash your hands first" i tell her. She nods before walking to the sink and washing her hand's with soap, she then grabs a paper towel to dry her hands.

"Come on then" i tell her as i kneel down holding my arm's out, she smiles at me before running straight into them and then i carry her out. Once we get back to the waiting room i see Wesley standing there holding a piece of paper with tears in his eyes. My eyes widen, this is it, these are the results!

He looks at me and then down at Amelia who is still in my arms not wanting to be let go, "hey princess, ive got some news" he says as he walks up to us placing his hand on her cheek. She looks up to him with a tired smile but then her eyes widen when she sees the paper "the results?" She questions, Wesley nods "it's official Amelia, your my daughter"

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