Chapter 2: Mommy's dead

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And then it hit me, she... She's dead.

Amelia's POV:

My mom had never really been one for hugs, i don't think i ever had one, physical touch, some type of affection was something i had craved for a long time. I always saw kids hug their parents before and after school, the only time i ever got the chance to hug my mom was now, as she is lay on the ground, completely unaware because... she's dead.

I held onto her like my life dependent on it, resting my head against her chest all i wanted to feel was her heart beating but it didn't and i knew it wasn't going too. Sure she hadn't been the best of moms but i didnt want to loose her, is it selfish for me to be worrying about what's next? If she's gone, im, im all alone.

Ive got Bobby, sure, and right now im so grateful for that, my mom had always said i was unwanted, that nobody loved me, she was the only one who was willing to keep me. Now she's not here, nobody will want me and i can't blame them, after all, i am bad, mom gave me rules and i broke them, i deserved to be hurt.

"Mommy, im sorry" i cried into her chest "ill be good, i promise" i said as if these words would somehow make her wake up. Eventually i guess i realized that nothing i did or said could help and i gave up trying. I continued to hold onto her not wanting to let go, my cries gone silent, the only thing that could be heard was the clock ticking.

Tick Tock.Tick Tock.Tick Tock

"LAPD OPEN UP!" I suddenly hear at the same time as a loud knock on the front door, instantly i freak out and run to my room just as i heard the sound of the door being broke down. Now sat in the corner of my room i put my knees up to my chest and just continued to sob quietly, hoping they would not come and check in here.

I could hear the sound of talking going from the living room where my mom was and then i heard it, the sound of my bedroom door opening, i heard a gasp come from the person but I didn't dare look up, too afraid to face them. The person who i now knew was a woman going by the voice called for the other.

"Hey there" the woman who had first walked in spoke, her voice was soft with an accent, it made me want to look at her but i didn't, too scared. But then i felt a presence infront of me and the woman knealt down "it's okay, we won't hurt you" she said trying to reassure me. I stayed in silence with my knees up to my chest, my head buried into them.

Not sure how long i stayed like that for but eventually after realizing this woman wasn't leaving i lifted my head up from my knees staring at her in the eyes. She was a very pretty, African American woman, her smile was kind, when our eyes met she gave me a small wave "hi" she took notice that i wasn't going to respond and added "my name's Nyla".

She wanted my name but i really didn't want to speak, suddenly i saw her gaze rest on Bobby who was on my mattress and my eyes widen, NO! She can't hurt him! She reaches over picking him up "what's this one's name?" She asks me as she holds him out to me, i quickly grab him and hold him close "Bobby" i answer just loud enough for her to hear.

"That's a lovely name, can you tell me yours?" She asks, i look to Bobby before looking at her "Amelia" she smiles at me warmly "ahhh, see, just as i thought, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" i frown not really sure how to take that, nobody had ever called me that before. "My mommy's dead" i suddenly say, i didn't really know why i said it like that but i did.

She nods her head giving me a sad smile "today must've been pretty scary huh?" She questions, i nod my head but if only she knew, she was going by the fact my mom was dead but the day had been scary since i woke up, something that i was used to. "You're really brave, you know that?" She questioned, i shake my head, i wasnt.


So i am now sat in the back of the police car, Nyla said they call it a shop though which i find really weird, a shop is where you buy things, this is a car. It took Nyla a while until i agreed to leave, eventually i felt like i could infact trust her, she showed me a picture of her daughter who was just a year older than me.

She introduced me to the man she was with, his name was John and he seemed pretty friendly but i didn't talk to him much. Suddenly i see her and John walk towards the car and they get in, she was driving. She had told me i had to go to the hospital to get checked out, i didn't bother asking why because i knew it was cause she saw the blood on the back of my hoodie.

When we got there she helped me out the car and we walk in, instantly greeted by a blonde woman "hi, you must be Amelia, my name's Grace" she tells me with a smile, i see her exchange a look to John and gives him a smile which he returns. I am lead to a room and told to sit on the bed which i do and then a young woman walks in alongside Grace.

"We need to check you over is that okay?" Grace asks and i nod my head, might aswell get this over with, Nyla goes to walk back out to where John is but i quickly grab her hand "stay" i pleaded, my eyes glossy with tears. Sure Grace seemed nice but i felt safer with Nyla, she gives Grace a look who nods and so Nyla takes a seat in the chair beside the bed.

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