Chapter 7: Scared and silent

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Lucky you, getting three chapters all in one day! Yes I've not slept 😂 I've just been getting so many ideas running through my head i can't shut my mind off! This will probably be the last one today though because im off to my mums in a couple hours, spending the day with her and the dog.

"there's a chance Amelia is my daughter..."

Amelia's POV:

After i left with Rachel she sat me down and talked with me, explained everything. So because my mom died and my dad wasn't listed on the birth certificate because he didn't want me i was placed into something that is called the Foster system. I didn't have any other family who would have me, my mom was all i had.

She told me that she would be my social worker, basically she is there to support me, protect me and try to find me a safe loving place. After we had talked she made plenty of calls and eventually found a place that would have me. Something called a group home where there would be other kids, it's where we stay until a foster placement is found.

I was now sat in my room that i was sharing with another girl who was ten years old, her name was Stacy. She is nice, she talks quite alot though, but that's okay as since Rachel dropped me off ive not said a word. Stacy hasn't tried to get me to speak either she doesn't seem to mind which i do appreciate.

What is nice about this place is the rooms are nicer, we have actual beds, and storage space although i dont technically need that i mean, i don't have anything. The only clothes ive got are the ones i have on and then there is Bobby. The worker in charge here, Miss Carson had given me a small basket of toiletries so i was grateful for that.

"You coming for breakfast?" Stacy suddenly asks as she gets up from her bed, i shake my head, i was hungry yes but i was too sad to eat. Yes this place is nice but i am not used to that, it all feels so unatural if you get what i mean? I mean i had a proper bed for the first time and i couldn't sleep, it was too comfy.

Then there was the fact that everytime i closed my eyes all i saw was my mom, laying there, and the blood. And then i was scared, what if Kenny found out i told Nyla and John? What if he tried to come after me? I had already been hurt by him before, yesterday wasn't the first time, no. I was struck by his belt and his fists many of time's.

Knock knock

I look to the door to see Mr Scott, he was a young man who volunteered here, "Stacy told us you weren't coming for breakfast, i wanted to see if i could change your mind? Lunch wont be until one" he says, i just shake my head and turn around so i was facing the wall. I hear him sigh "i understand, come down when you're ready" he says.

I know i was probably coming across as rude but ive got alot on my mind right now, i pull Bobby closer to my face, my chin resting on his head. A tear escaped my eye and before i knew it, i couldn't stop. Everything finally caught up to me, i hate my life, i know my mom wasn't the best but I didn't want her to die, without her i am all alone.

Like she always told me, nobody would ever love me or want me, it's just me and Bobby. Eventually this place would get fed up and throw me out, they will realize soon enough i am not worth it. After a while of thinking about everything i start to think about Angela, i missed her, i miss her touch.

The way she held me, how she reassured me, when she ran her finger's through my hair, i miss her. That hug from her will probably be the last I'll ever get, i loved that feeling, it was something i had craved so much for so long, affection and i will never have that again. I guess i should be thankful i had it at all, it's not like i deserved it, i am stupid, i am useless.


I had been lay here for ages, i dont know how long it had been but i found myself looking at a picture of my dad. I had stolen it when i was four, my mom had been getting rid of some things, the picture had fallen from the box and i picked it up. I remember asking my mom who he was, her response was "the man who never wanted you".

You're probably wondering why i bothered keeping the picture? Well it's simple really, with this picture i got to see what he looked like, it helped me picture what my life would have been like if he had of wanted me. How he had stayed with my mom and we were a happy family, it was just a dream but it was my dream.

From the picture i could also see that i got my looks from him, the same blue eyes and blonde hair except mine was just a little lighter than his. "Amelia" i hear making me snap out of my happy thoughts through daydreaming of a life that would never be. I quickly slip the picture back into Bobby, yes you heard correctly, he had a zipper on his back.

Its just another thing for me to love about him, he keeps my secrets, if my mom had of seen that i kept that picture she would've been so mad but she didn't because of Bobby. "AMELIA" i hear the voice again but it was closer this time, i turn around and look towards the door to see Stacy "there is someone downstairs waiting for you!" She says.

My eyes widen and i instantly panic, oh no! Its Kenny, he's found me, he's here! He's going to hurt me. Within seconds i find my heart racing, my palms going sweaty like they had first did when i had heard my mom scream. Why was this happening so much? I ran to the corner of the room, pulling my knees up to my chest, tears streaming down my face.

"MISS CARSON!" I then hear Stacy call out as she runs out the room, i think i scared her, hell im scaring myself right now. Before i knew it i heard multiple footsteps running in, i felt a hand being placed on my shoulder making me flinch back. I was too frightened to look to see who it was.

But then i heard it, that soft voice "Just breath Amelia, breath" i looked up instantly to see the person i had been craving so much, Angela. I stared at her, looking into her brown eyes. She gives me a warm smile, that smile! I launched myself into her arm's gripping onto her for dear life. She continues to whisper comforting words into my ears.

Eventually she had reassured me enough that i was okay, looking round the room i saw that Kenny definitely wasn't here, i was safe, atleast right now i was, in Angela's arms. But then i saw a face i never thought I'd see, i rubbed my eyes before looking back to see if he was still there, he was!

I jumped out of Angela's arms and ran to Bobby who was on the bed and undid his zipper pulling out the picture. I held it in my hands, looking down at it before looking up to the man, doing a double take. How could this be? Am i seeing things? I then pinched myself just to find out that it was indeed real, he was really here, my dad was here... standing right in front of my eyes.

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