chapter 3: bye bye hospital

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Sorry for the late update on this, ive been a bit busy and then ended up ill, still not feeling 100% so of this chapter isn't as good i apologize in advance.

Nyla takes a seat in the chair beside the bed.

Amelia's POV:

I am now sat in the bed with a hospital gown on, Dr Grace and the nurse had checked me over with my permission which they definitely wouldn't have had it if Nyla wasn't here. My clothes that were covered in mine and my moms blood was bagged up and Nyla had given them to John who had stayed on the outside of the room while i was being seen.

The nurse had applied some cream to my back, Grace said it was to help with the healing process and prevent scarring. The nurse was very gentle but it didn't stop it from stinging when her hands made contact with my skin. "Thank you Amelia, you've been very brave" Grace then told me, i just shrugged in response, why does everyone keep saying that? I'm really not.

"Do you mind if i speak to Nyla? We'll just be outside this room" she then asks as she points to the hallway where John was no longer stood, after Nyla had given him my clothes he had walked off and he still wasn't back. I nod to Grace letting her know it was okay, Nyla smiles at me "i won't be long" she tells me before walking out the room.

I wasn't stupid or well, my mom always said i was so i dont know but i know what they're doing, they're talking about me. It made it even more obvious when i see them both look at me occasionally. After a while Grace walked off and Nyla walked back in "can i go yet?" I ask not really wanting to be here, i mean, can you blame me?

She chuckles slightly "you can but we're waiting for john first", i sigh longingly "but he's been gone ages" i complain dragging on the last part. She shake's her head with a smile "that's because he's doing something for me", before i had a chance to ask what there is a knock in the door and it was him! John handed Nyla a green paper bag before going back to standing in the hallway.

"What's that?" I ask being nosy as i look to the bag, she places it on the bed "it's for you" she answers making my eyes widen "f,for me?" I stutter back at her in disbelief, she just nods "can't have you leaving the hospital dressed like that can we?" She questions as she points to the gown i am in. I guess she had a point, i pull the bag closer to me before reaching in with my hand.

There was a white t shirt with a leopard print heart on it, some black joggers, a pink hoodie but this one had hearts on it, there was also some panties and some fluffy socks. My smile widens as i look at them all but then it falters not going unoticed by Nyla "hey, what's wrong?" She asks me as she gets closer to the bed.

I avoid eye contact as i continue to frown thinking about what my mom would say and her friends "i don't deserve them" was all i said. Nyla frowns but quickly covers it up shaking her head, she places a hand on my arm making me flinch slightly too which she pulls away just as fast. "Amelia, they're your's to keep, you do deserve them" She says in reassurance.

I nodded, i didn't complete believe it but began to get the clothes out, not wanting to make her angry "and hey, listen, i know you're scared, you've been through so much and not just in the last 24 hours, the scars and the bruises told us that but i want you to know and i want you to believe it that i will never hurt you, nor will John or anyone here or at the station, okay?" She adds, not taking her eyes off me.

As i looked into them i could see she was telling me the truth, there was no anger in them and it made me remember why i felt like i could trust her before. I nodded my head at her "c,can you help me?" I stutter to her as i look to the clothes, i usually didn't ask for help, i saw it as weak but it hurt to move, so i knew id struggle to change into these.

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