chapter 10: It's a process

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Wesley nods "it's official Amelia, your my daughter"

Wesley's POV:

So i have a daughter, i actually have a daughter and i have for six years and i didn't know. Of course i am happy to finally have found out, to actually have her in my life but i am also sad. She's six! I missed out on six years of her life, i wasn't there for her first word's, her first steps, her first day of school. So many firsts and i missed them.

And it makes me so angry to think that my little girl grew up thinking i didn't want her that i didn't love her all because her own mother told her so. Tanya was once my girlfriend, we were in love, we were great together but then everything changed in a blink of an eye. And then one day, she left and she never came back.

"WES!" I suddenly hear and look up to see Angela looking at me, concerned "huh er, sorry, yea?" I question, she raises an eyebrow "are you good? Are you in pain?" She asks, her facial expression turning into one of concern. Shaking my head "no, sorry i was just thinking" i tell her.

I was stabbed a while back when taking cover in a bomb shelter, since then Angela has constantly been checking on me but i insist that i am good. Am i telling the truth? Well physically yes, its healing as it should but mentally not so much, it's a struggle. And then to top it off i find out i have a daughter who is also going to be struggling with trauma!

It's alot to deal with in such a short space of time, "you know you can talk to me right?" She asks me with that reassuring smile of hers, i nod but don't speak, she doesn't push it which i appreciate it, she knows ill talk to her when im ready. Right now we are on our way back to the group home, Amelia is in the back, strapped into the booster seat.

She was clearly tired and had been fighting sleep, constantly trying to keep her eyes open. Once we get to the building, Angela parks the car and we both get out. "I'll get her" she tells me referring to Amelia knowing I can't risk carrying her due to my stitches, plus, like Angela is constantly saying, i must not overdo it.

I can't help but smile as i stand there watching Angela gently get my little girl out of the car, the way Amelia grips onto her once in her arms. She had obviously bonded with Angela and so it broke my heart knowing we would likely have to leave her here today. I know that despite having the DNA results, we couldn't have her home with us that quickly, there was stuff that needed to be done.

Once we walked into the building we were instantly greeted by Owen Scott, he gave us a warm smile "Rachel is in the office with Janet" he tells us referring to the office we were in earlier, Janet Carson. I nod and thank him and we make our way to the office, knocking the door before walking in.

"Hi Amelia, it's good to see you again" Rachel says as she looks to my little girl attached to Angela's hip. Amelia gave her a small smile in return but kept her head resting on my girlfriend shoulder. "Here are the DNA results" i tell Rachel, handing her the piece of paper, she smiles back at me "thanks Wesley".

Janet then breaks the awkward silence that lingered in the room following that short exchange with the social worker, "i think we need to have a serious conversation, don't you?" She questions as she looks to all of us, nodding, Rachel answered "we do", she then looked to Amelia "hey sweetie, why don't you go and play? Stacy was asking about you earlier".

Amelia just shake's her head "want to stay with Angie" she says, i then look to see my girlfriend that was definitely struggling just as much as me with trying not to let that little nickname melt her heart. "Hey baby, we need to have a really boring conversation, it'll be no fun for you, i will come give you the biggest cuddle after we're done, i promise" Angela say's as she looks to the little girl in her arms.

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