Chapter 8: Truth and Tears

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My dad was here... standing right in front of my eyes

Amelia's POV:

I shake my head as i stared at this man, he was my dad but he was a stranger, i let the picture fall from my hands and i run past everyone in the room. Heading straight for the stairs, i was as fast as lightening and before i knew it i was at the front door. But then i was stuck, there was chain on it and i was too short to reach.

It didn't stop me from trying though, i needed out, i can't do this! I know i should be happy he is here but I'm not, he didn't want me! He didn't even give me a chance so why should i do that for him? "Amelia, Stop?" I hear Mr Scott say as he looks at me trying to escape, i then turn to see that Angela, Miss Carson and that Man sre all looking at me now.

I then see that he's holding the picture, he has a tear in his eye "please let me explain Amelia" he says, chocking out a sob towards the end. I then see Angela place a hand on his shoulder like she did with me before. I shake my head in anger "NO! I HATE YOU" i yell at him. I just couldn't hold it anymore, a burst of anger being set free.

"YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A CHANCE, YOU DECIDED TO DIDN'T WANT ME BEFORE YOU EVEN MET ME!" I add as i point at him. Angela then gets closer to me she holds out her hand, probably going to touch my shoulder like she did before but i flinched back, cowering down. I had yelled, she was probably going to hit me now.

But nothing comes, i look back to see her looking at me seeming hurt "Amelia" she says softly, she's not mad with me? "I would never hurt you baby and neither will he... Please just give him a chance, let him explain" she adds giving me a reassuring smile. I look down, avoiding eye contact, "you trust me, don't you?" She then asks.

I mean, i guess i do, i had missed her, she was so nice to me yesterday and i felt safe. Plus she helped me with my panic attack just less than ten minutes ago. I eventually nod my head too which she looks to Miss Carson "have you got somewhere private we can talk?" Miss Carson nods her head "you can use my office".


I am now in Miss Carson's office sat on a chair, i was a bit short for it so i found myself swinging my legs back and fourth. The two adults sat opposite me just staring "Amelia, where do i even start?" He suddenly asks, i just cross my arms "i dont know, maybe why you didn't want me before even meeting me!"

I then see him look to Angela who just gives him a nod with a smile, he looks back to me "i didn't know you existed until yesterday Amelia... Your mom, she never told me, i didn't even know she was pregnant with you". No, he's lying! That can't be true, i shake my head not wanting to believe it "your lying!" I say, my voice cracking.

He shake's his head in sadness "I'm not, sweetheart, if i had of known i would never have said that, i would have wanted you, i do want you, your my daughter" he tells me. My eyes widen "y, you want me?" I question with a stutter, he nods with a sad smile "yes Amelia, i really do, i will always want you and i will always love you"

Just like that the floodgates were opened, the tears wouldn't stop falling "but why? I, I'm not worthy enough I'm useless, a waste of space, stupid, mommy didn't want me so why would you?" He shake's his head again "don't ever say that about yourself because it's not true, i am so sorry your mom ever made you feel like that, she shouldn't have... You are worthy of being loved Amelia and you're definitely not useless and stupid, your perfect in every way".

Angela nods in agreement with what he said "he's right, there is nothing wrong with you, you are a beautiful little girl, brave, smart, you've gone through stuff nobody should ever have to go through and i am so sorry all that happened has, but i promise you that you're loved and you're definitely wanted" she tells me.

I look at them both, struggling to believe what i am hearing "really?" Angela nods before looking at him, they smile before looking back to me "we want you Amelia" they say in unison. I look to him, standing from the chair and walk towards him, placing my hand on his face "you really love me?" I ask him.

He smiles and holds both of my hands in his "one hundred percent" i smile as i lift my arms up too which he pulls me up on his lap holding me close "i love you so much, more than you will ever know" he says before kissing my forehead. Angela strokes the side of my face "we just have one question for you Amelia" she tells me.

I look up to her as i sit in his lap "what's that?" I ask, she smiles at me before looking to him, she nods towards him, gesturing for him to speak "do you want us?" I tilt my head in confusion "what do you mean? Of course i do" Angela chuckle softly "what Wesley means is, do you want to come and live with us?"

My eyes widen in shock "really? Both of you? But how?" Angela nods with a warm smile, Wesley doing the same as he answers me "yes, both of us and we already spoke to Rachel when i found out, she said she can arrange it once we give them proof that you're my daughter". A toothy grin appears on my face, i can't believe this is real, it's like a dream.

"But how do we give proof?" I ask, Angela is the one to answer that time "a DNA test, we can get the results rushed". I nod my head and look between them both, the tears start to fall yet again. Wesley's eyes widen "Amelia what's wrong?" He asks, i shake my head "I don't know" i answer, i didn't, why am i crying?

Angela chuckles, she wipes the tears with her thumb "are you happy?" She asks me too which i nod my head ecstaticly "more than ever!" I answer, she exchanges a look with him "those tears baby, they're happy one's", i tilted my head in confusion "there are happy one's?" I question, she nods "happy, sad, angry" she answers.

"That's silly!" I exclaim making them both laugh, "it is isn't it princess?" Wesley says, Angela then ask's with a smirk "so guess your answer is yes for wanting to live with us?" I nod straight away "definitely but only if you're sure" i answer. Wesley kisses my forehead "we're more than sure" i smile, my tears finally stopped, right now i felt nothing but pure happiness, something i don't think ive ever felt.

"Angela" i said quietly as i looked to her brown eyes, she nods "yes angel?" She asks, i bite my lip as i look too the ground shyly, I've never asked this before, what if she says no? "Hey, whatever it is, you can ask me" she suddenly says as she lift's my chin up with her thumb, giving me a warm smile as she stroked my cheek.

"C, can you, can you do what you did yesterday?" I ask her in a bit of a stutter, her smile widens and she nods, she holds out her arms, Wesley must've got the idea what i wanted because he passed me over to her. Once in her lap i grip onto her and she wrap's her arm's around me, running her fingers through my hair, soothing me completely.

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