just to let y'all know

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Because of an error on Wattpad, chapter 8 and 9 was in wrong order and no matter what i did it stayed like that.

So the last thing i could do was copy those chapters and paste them into notepad. Then i deleted them on here.  Created a new chapter and pasted them back here then republished.

So it will probably tell you i have updated but i have not i was just trying to fix Wattpad's error and hopefully by doing what ive done it has worked.

I have real bad OCD when it comes to stuff like this, i couldn't just sit here knowing the book wasn't in order.

Obviously because of having to delete them, any comments or votes that have been made on them wont exist anymore but i am not so worried about that, i care more about all of you having a good experience when reading my books.

If you ever notice something wrong or even if its a typo please dont hesitate in letting me know and i will fix it straight away, if i can.

Anyways, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, i hope you're all having a lovely day or night wherever you are 😃

I won't be updating tonight i dont think, i been wearing in my new nike Jordans so my feet are aching and my brain is also not working so well today 😭

I am going to order myself a pizza and sit back and watch some.... You guessed it. The Rookie, I'm nearly on season 5 guys!!!

Love y'all ❤️
Peace out 🕊️

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