Chapter 11: Forgotten

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Angela's POV:

"Ooh, looking sharp" i tell Wesley as i see him sorting his tie out as he stands infront of the mirror. He turns around with a smile "thanks, i kind of missed wearing a suit" he tells me which i instantly know he's lying so i can't help but call him out on it "liar" i then ask "first day back at work, how you feeling?"

He continues to smile at me as he answers "i feel great" i know he's not telling the truth, he was stabbed but still, he insists he is fine and there isn't alot i can do, i cant push him, he'll come to me when he's ready. "Great, because the couch is getting a you-shaped dent in it" i say as a crack a smile while neating out his tie.

I run my hands down his shoulders giving him a bit of comfort "time to get back in the game, counsellor" i tell him "my mom always says 'today is a great day for a great day' plus it's only going to go in our favor for getting Amelia" i add. He smiles at me with a nod and i do the same "i hope she's okay" he says, his smile turning into a frown.

I do the same but quickly pull myself together, i've gotta stay strong "im sure she is, i know it's not exactly how we wanted this to go but we just have to be patient" i remind him and also myself if i am honest. He nods "your right" he tells me too which i smirk "aren't i always?" I ask making him chuckle slightly before kissing me on the lips.

I smile at him before leaving the room, giving myself a mental peptalk, not for going to work, i have that one in the bag, i wasn't the one who was stabbed but for this whole waiting thing. I know we have to he patient but it's just so hard, you're probably wondering what i am on about? Well Rachel came to us a day or so after we left the group home, after we left that sweet little girl.

She recommended that we foster to adopt, even though Wesley is her biological dad, he isn't on the birth certificate. And yes, he didn't know that Amelia existed but that don't really mean anything. Adoption takes too long and she assumed right when she said she doubted we would want Amelia to be in the group home for that long.

So here we are, waiting for our fostering license to go through and as you can imagine, it takes a while. Even then we have to put it an application to be Amelia's foster parents, Rachel seriously wasn't lying when she said its a process, a long oke at that. I understand Wesley worrying about Amelia too, we can't really keep in touch with her like we'd like to during this whole thing. I just hope she knows we're trying, that we haven't forgotten her.

Amelia's POV:

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING YOUNG LADY?" I suddenly hear Miss Carson yell making me jump out my skin and turn around in a instant. "I, i, i was hungry" i stutter to her, she raises an eyebrow at me "and who's fault is that?" She questions, i frown as i look to the floor "mine" i answer in a mumble and im guessing too quietly.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" She snaps, i look up from the ground to see her glaring at me like my mom used to do when i had done something wrong "mine" i answer her a bit louder this time. She nods "exactly, it's your fault, you know what time breakfast is, you missing it is not my problem, is it?" She then asks me, she wasn't yelling that time but she still wasn't speaking nicely.

I shake my head but that obviously wasn't enough because the next thing i knew was her hand was making contact with the side of my face. She slapped me "ANSWER ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU CHILD!" She shouts, i frown and feel a tear escape my eye "no Miss Carson" i answer using my word's this time. She nods "get out my sight" she says.

I don't waste anytime and instantly make a run to the door, leaving the kitchen and continue up to my room. The other kids were at school today, only reason i wasnt was because Rachel and Linda said i wasn't ready. Linda is my therapist, i think that's what she said she was, she tries to talk to me about what happened at home with my mom and her friends.

I don't really answer her though, i dont want to think about it all, thinking about it just takes me back there and it's really scary. Maybe i wouldn't be so scared about it if Angela was with me, or even Wesley but their not. I know they have forgotten me though, Miss Carson told me, she said they haven't reached out to her or Rachel about me since they left.

I thought they cared about me, that they loved me, i know it was stupid, mom always told me that i could never be loved and she told me that my dad didn't want me that nobody did. But then i met him and he made me believe that he did, i guess it was all lies. I should have known they didn't want me, why would they?

Knock knock

I suddenly look to the door to see Mr Scott, he was looking at me with a sad smile "hey Amelia" he said, i didn't speak, i just stared at him while my grip on Bobby's paw tightened. "It's okay, you don't have to be scared" he tells me as he walks towards me making me gulp, he's going to hurt me. I squint my eyes shut and flinch back instantly, expecting to feel some sort of pain, but i dont.

I open my eyes slowly to see him looking at me sadly, he then places a sandwich on my bed ever so slowly before taking a step backwards "i heard Janet uh, Miss Carson yell at sorry, i, i er, i made you a sandwich" he says awkwardly. I look at him wide eyed before looking down at it "you did?" I ask not really believing it was for me.

He nods his head "yea, you were hungry" he answers while rubbing the back of his neck, "b,but Miss Carson" i stutter out. He nods his head "yea, i uh, i know... I won't tell her if you don't?" I nod my head slightly "t, thank you" i tell him before grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite. "Its okay, im gonna go now before she starts wondering where i am" he says before giving me a wave and walking out my room.

I guess he isn't gonna hurt me, No! Don't do that Amelia! I can't trust him, he could just be trying to gain my trust so he can hurt me, right? Oh I don't even know anymore, it's all too confusing, life is confusing. Angela and Wesley told me they wouldn't hurt me but they did, not physically but they left me, they left me here with Miss Carson and she hurts me, that's just as bad.

I eat the sandwich, he had wrapped it up in some sort of see through stuff so i didn't have to worry about sneaking back downstairs with a plate because there wasn't one. I look down at Bobby and open up his zipper too which i then pull out that photo of my dad. "Oh Bobby, why did they do it?" I ask him "being forgotten sucks!" I add before i rip the photo in half and throw it in the bin.

Angela's POV:

So yesterday Wesley had an incident at work, a kid, Malcolm was in the interrogation room, admitting to Detective Nick Armstrong how he had killed his mom, how he had stabbed her. Wesley ran out, he was struggling hearing it all. I had to help calm him down, help him get his breathing back to normal and it honestly scared me seeing him like that.

Last night while he was sleeping i couldn't help but cry, quietly of course, it just hurts, i know he's in pain and i don't know what to do. It's not even just the PTSD from the stabbing, yes that's a big part of it but finding out he has a daughter in my midst of all this has gotta be so hard on him too.

I walk into the living room carrying two plates with a sandwich and a side of salad on, he is sat on the couch staring at his laptop. I hand him his food "here" he looks up at me with a smile as he takes it, he places the plate on the arm of the couch before putting his attention back onto the laptop.

I sit down next to him with my plate on my lap and just look at him "you want to talk about anything?" I ask hoping he would but i know that he won't. He insists he is fine but what happened yesterday shown me that he really isn't. He shake's his head just as i expected "no" he answers. I frown and looked down for a moment before looking back at him.

"We're gonna get through this" i tell him, my voice breaking slightly, i give him a small smile or reassurment as he looks at me. "Yea i know" he answers but without looking at me, his eyes glued to the laptop screen. I place my plate onto the coffee table before resting my head on his shoulder hoping to give him some sort of comfort.

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