Chapter 6: I wasn't expecting that

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"shall we get going then Amelia?" She asks.

Angela's POV:

I am now at home cuddled on the couch with Wesley, he was still resting and having time off work until he's healed, he was stabbed by a inmate called Oscar a while back when they were taking cover in a courts bomb shelter due to a possible missile attack. Scared the hell out of me, i really thought i was going to loose him.

But thankfully he was alive, until the wound was completely healed he was sleeping on the couch, it pretty much had a dent in it from how much he had been laying on it for. Anyway, right now we're watching a movie or well, i am trying to but for a change i find myself thinking back to today with Amelia.

"What's wrong? You've been really quiet since you got back?" I then hear Wes ask, i shake my head "its nothing, don't worry about it" i tell him. He pauses the movie and looks me directly in the eyes "i do worry, now are you going to tell me what's bothering you? I hate seeing you like this, did something happen at work?" He asks me.

I chuckle slightly before giving him a kiss on the lips "it should be me worrying about you, your the one that was stabbed!" I exclaim. He shake's his head and smirks at me "don't change the subject" he says, ugh, he knows me so well. I sigh as i lean my head back against the couch "i hate this" is all i say.

He kisses the side of my neck "hate what?" He asks, i look to him and take a breath before answering him, spilling my thoughts "i usually don't get so worked up over a case but i can't shake this one off. Today, Nyla and John got a possible domestic call come through". He nods his head but doesn't speak, he just listens.

"It wasn't, instead there was a body there of a woman who had been murdered, Tanya Williams, she had a six year old daughter who was in the apartment at the time" i take a breath before continuing some more without engaging eye contact "that poor girl had seen her mom's dead body" i had to stop for a moment, just thinking about what Amelia must've gone through made me so sad.

"If that's not enough, we find out she was doing drugs with some friends, a common occurrence, she then spanked her daughter with a brush just because she disturbed them by walking into the room... And then, then one of her friends the one who is suspected of killing her, beat Amelia with a belt all because she knocked his drink over" by now the floodgates had opened and i couldn't stop crying.

Minutes go by and i realize Wesley hadn't said anything, i look to him with bloodshot eyes "Wes?" Was all i said, he looks at me like he saw a ghost "Wes, Why are you looking at me like that?" I question him "i knew a Tanya Williams" he eventually spoke "what did she look like?" He aaked, i look at him wide eyed.

Shaking my head i spoke "she was a drug addict Wesley, you wouldn't have known her" , he shook his head before standing up "the last time i saw Tanya was a little over five years ago, she wasn't a drug addict, five year's is a long time Angela, it, it could still be her" he explains, going on a little rant. "What did she look like?" He then asks again.

I sigh "i can't exactly get hold of a picture right this second babe but she had red hair" i tell him, his eyes just widen "ginger? Her hair was ginger?" He questions, getting increasingly more agitated by the second "yes" i answer, nodding my head "yes Wesley she had ginger hair".

He runs his one hand through his hair, "babe, calm down okay? Don't get yourself worked up over this it might not even be her!" I tell him as i stand up from the couch and wrap my arms around him. He shake's his head "i can't" he says before pulling away and reaching for his phone that was on the table, he starts typing and clicking about on it.

"Is that her?" He asks as he show's me a photo of a woman with ginger hair and hazel eyes, it was the woman but this picture was definitely taken at a time she was clean. Her complexion was healthier, make-up on, a smile on her face, a real one, in this photo she was happy. "Yes" i say and take a breath "yes, it is her" i add.

I then look to my boyfriend who is shaking his head, he starts pacing back and forth, refusing to look me in the eyes "no no no no no" he starts mumbling, confusing me more by the second, who was this woman to him? Why was he getting so upset? "Wesley, you've seriously got to tell me what's going on! What was she to you? She clearly means something" i question him.

He sighs before looking me in the eyes "we er, we, i suppose you could say we were an item", i laugh at him in disbelief "yea, good one Wes, now the truth?" I ask him. He just stares at me making me realize that was no joke, he was serious. "It wasn't for long, maybe a year but then she started to act differently and we would argue daily until one day she just left and never came back" he explains.

Ok this is just... I wasn't expecting that! "You loved her" i spoke, now realizing why this was hitting him so much, he nods his head "i did yes, even when she left, i thought she would come back but after a while i realized she wasn't, we were done". I sigh before walking out the living room and into the kitchen "i need a drink" i say.

I instantly grab a bottle of wine and pour myself a big glass, i dont hesitate in taking a large gulp. "Are you mad?" Wesley asks as he stands by the kitchen door, i groan into my hands slightly "I don't know" i answered truthfully before turning and looking directly at him "why didn't you tell me about her before?" I asked him.

Its his turn to sigh this time "i didn't realize i had too, when does the conversation about ex's typically happen?" He asks me getting annoyed, i lean my elbows on the kitchen counter looking away from him, my head buried into my hands. "Your right" i say after a moment of silence, "im sorry, this is just...alot".

He nods before walking up from behind me and placing his head on my shoulder "i know and im sorry too" he apologizes. I turn around and the two of us just stare into each other's eyes for a moment as i do so i can see there is something else. "What is it?" I ask him, he shake's his head "it can wait" he answers me trying to brush whatever it is away.

"No, it can't, Wesley babe, whatever it is, you can tell me" i say to him, he nods his head, he looks away for a moment before taking a deep breath, as if preparing himself for what he's about to say honestly making me worry even more. "Going by what you said and with when the last time i saw her was er..." He starts to say but stops.

My eyes widen "are you saying what i think you're going to say?" I ask him, he turns away so his back is facing me, he stays like that for a a minute or so. It honestly felt like the longest minute of my life, eventually he turned back around, he ran his hands through his hair and nodded "there's a chance Amelia is my daughter..."

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